July 19th (Date 10)

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This was the first time she came over. Oh boy, was I a nervous wreck. That's the most cleaning I've done since Ami, my tenth grade girlfriend, came over that one time: probably even more than that. Well, she got here at 10:30 am and I planned on having lunch here. I greeted her outside with Dike, my German Shepheard, which might have been counterintuitive, but he was crazy. Sniffing all over her and barking once he finished that. We barricaded in my room after she got a two second point tour of the house. I gave a tour of my room, going over the anime/books/bulletin board/guns/etc. We finished that and talked while we were doing that. By then, it was lunch time, and we had spaghetti. When we were eating dad came in, and that was the first time she met him. Zackery had yet to be known. Once we ate, I got ready, and we began our drive to Apparatus. I pointed out locations as we were traveling, and we eventually made it. Mind you, I had in the back of my mind when to decide what we are, or if we should keep going at this pace without being exclusive. Though, at this time, I was waning off and barely looking at the dating apps anymore. 

Our first stop was the visitor center where we used the bathroom before making our way to the museum upstairs. I'm not sure why, but it was extremely dark and dim in areas where you'd figure it would be lit. This made the viewing experience unsatisfying as all the factual tidbits where already hard to read because of their small size. With this, we didn't stay in there for long. However, when we got outside, there was this large group following a tour guide. I didn't realize they did tours. I assume they have planned times and whoever shows up can be apart of it, along with the stragglers that come along later. I thought about being a straggler, but decided the time would be more enjoyable with the two of us. We explored the areas with the first area being the gift shop, which was about to be on lunch break. It was small so it didn't take long to explore. After that we headed to the house with the blacksmith items, and I failed to open the door the first time. Thankfully, and with embarrassment, the two workers sitting on the bench said you had to yank the door open, which voilà, it opened. From there we headed to the small lawyer house and the general store beside it. One thing of note was her knowledge of the Blue China, and when we were on the other side of the store, someone was entering but then closed the door when he heard or saw that we were in there. That was a funny moment. After that we went to the mayor's house (or whatever the biggest house is there/the one where the execution was signed) before the tour group could make their way inside. We talked about how great the architecture was and what it would have been like to live here during the time. Then we made our way to the freemen quarters and from there went back and behind the visitor center where we walked to the jail. Talk about a place to do some freaky things, since there wasn't a single person in there nor near there when we came out (the audio information was still broken). 

Now by this time, I know there isn't another major area to look at, but that did not stop me from trying to extend our time together. We headed to the white house and walked back, went to the cabin (which was open this time) and walked down to the bigger log cabin down the lot, before heading back up to the white house from a different entrance and heading back to the car. In this process, she got up the courage to ask what we are and if we wanted to be boyfriend and girlfriend. I obliged and said, "I like how forward you are Alyssa." From there we went to the united graveyard and looked at the Washington Monument shaped gravestone across the street. The grass was high, and we did not take the trail that led to it. From there we went to Iceland's to grab ice cream. We were the only ones there, besides the person going through the drive through. At first, we were confused since we didn't see a worker. However, after the guy left, a woman looked out the window, and could clearly see us walking up. She didn't seem to care either way, so I personally didn't want to take my business there. Nonetheless, as we were here, we went up to the window, not the one facing the parking lot, but the one facing the picnic area. We both got the same Dole, they only had two flavors when the ad mentioned having six during the summer season. Honestly, we should have shared since they were big, and she didn't finish while I barely finished. At least I didn't buy hers. We ate in peace, and threw some compliments here and there, while also being bashful since we were officially dating. 

After we ate, I took her to the Stream Precipice mall to which we explored every nick and cranny. Notable ones where Michaels, where I got to see her crafty side, and Spencer's where there was a whole section of sex toys for all to see. By the time we left, it was almost dinner time, but not quite yet. Side note: I had just transferred all my dirty pictures and videos so I could show my actual pictures to her if it ever came up. The whole day, I had been debating whether to have her over for dinner or not. No one likes the possibility of a "no." There was no need to fear as she said "yes." Now when we got near the house, I drove past to show her the pond and the church yard. Holy molly, knowing of her knee situation, that was a lot of walking. Once we finished exploring it was about time for dinner, so we came back. Honestly, I don't recall the first dinner too well, besides it being when she got to officially interact with dad. Zackery did not join us. After dinner I took her back to my room and we chatted before moseying onto the bed (not fully on and with our legs hanging off which was a stupid choice). The light still didn't and doesn't work at this time, but it was nonproblematic as the summer evenings last long. I had enough light to show her my yearbooks and later I showed her all my photos and told stories when I felt like it. This lasted for the rest of the evening until it got late enough for her to leave. 

During the laying down there was a ton of chemistry as I would lose myself in her eyes, and I wanted to feel more than just our arms touching. The evening was cloudy, but beautifully so with the purple and pink mingling together as it got darker. I walked her to her car, and we stood there before her car. Usually, this is where we would hug goodbye, but it was different tonight. There was a palpable tension between us. I was speechless as I was trying to get words out, but failed as she entranced me deeper within her gaze. By this time her back was facing the basketball goal and mine to the road. I knew this was the moment where you kiss the girl. With great pleasure, I had yet to have my first kiss, which sadly meant I didn't know how to go about it. Lucky for me she only had one other dude she ever kissed. She asked, "are you going to kiss me", and I said, "I never kissed a girl before." This got her all giddy and she put her stuff in the car. We stared at each other, leaned in (we didn't miss), and I got my first peck on the lips. I was hard as a rock (funny when looking forward in time by writing from a past perspective) and she looked gleeful afterwards. We gave a final hug goodbye, and I waved her off. I told the fam (she did when she got home, I'm 100% sure of it). This marks the official start of our relationship. 

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