Levi Is Injured

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Hey, reader! Finally your POV! I'm sorry I couldn't get to Levi's POV in this chapter, I was short on precious time. I will get to Levi's tomorrow and then I'll go back to your POV then his in the same chapter. Hope you enjoy! Oh and FYI you get off work at 2pm. That's how you got kidnapped and saved in the same day. Back to the story!

Reader's POV, After surgery and 2 weeks in induced coma, Date is 2/7, 11 days till birthday.

I open my eyes to the white ceiling and white lights of the hospital. The brightness makes me wince. I shift, my body sore, and wince when pain shoots from my leg. I look at it. It's under the blankets, but I can see where the layers of bandage protect it. I don't even know how long I was asleep.

The door opens, and a nurse comes in. "Oh! You're finally awake, Ms. L/N!"
Finally awake?

"You've been off the coma inductors for two days now."

Two days?!

"What day is it?" I ask, my words a little hard to understand, and my tongue feels foreign in my mouth.

"It is (random day of the week). The date is February 7th."

"Thanks," I slur.

"I'll tell the doctor you're awake and get you some food, okay?"

I nod, and she leaves. I huff, wondering what I missed in two weeks.

I sit up suddenly with wide eyes, even if my body hates it.


Just before I can spiral into uncertainty, the doctor comes in.

"Hello, Ms. L/N. How are you feeling?"

I exhale, trying to force my body to calm down. "Like I don't want to sleep ever again. Is my leg healed?"

"Yes, Ms. L/N. You should be able to start walking soon. Oh, I also heard you might ask about Levi. He's in room 134."

My eyebrows furrow. "How do you know about Levi?"

"Me and his father were best friends before he was killed by the Jaegers. I'm the Rivialle doctor. I heal all of his men and never let that infermation out. Well, until. You're a special one, considering Levi fell in love with you."


The doctor helps me out of bed and helps me walk a few steps. I stand up and start slowly walking. By the time we're at the end of the hallway in front of the elevator, I can stand on my own and sort of walk. We get in the elevator and go to the first floor. I walk to Levi's room, but every single one of my muscles wants to run. When I step into Levi's room, I see Erwin standing by Levi's bed with a pretty girl with black hair. The girl with black hair is crying.

Who is she?

I shake my head, shaving the thoughts aside. I walk to his bed and my stomach drops. I fall to my knees at the sight in front of me, and the pain in my leg isn't enough to force a sound out. Levi has bandages all over his torso. His sleeping face looks very peaceful. Tears don't even fall from my face because of the shock.

The doctor walks over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, Ms. L/N. He'll be fine. He was on the verge of death when he got here. He had lost a lot of blood. But, we fixed him up, and he should wake up soon."

"When is soon?" I ask, my voice cracking.

"Within a couple hours."

The doctor picks me up and takes me outside, but I can't tear my eyes from Levi's body. There is a nurse waiting outside with a wheelchair.

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