My turn to do the saving

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Hey reader!!!! I'm back!!! I'm sorry it took so long!!!!!! Can you ever forgive me? Anyway, thanks so much to aotsnkstories for commenting!!!! It made it much easier to decide. So, here's the long awaited chapter!!!!!! Hope you enjoy!!!!

Reader POV, Where I left it, Date is still 2/15, Still 3 days till birthday

I take the knife out of the box it's stuck in as quietly as I can. I look up at Levi, and see he's staring at me. Shit. He knows we're here. Does Eren? Is that why he said I wasn't stupid enough to come? Probably. I look down at the knife. I'm going to kill Eren for what he made Levi, Mikasa, and me go through. I look at Eren and the man holding him. I've had enough practice throwing my switch blade at a target. Remember how you used to throw it. I close my eyes, and let myself be consumed by my knife throwing memories. I feel my arm go up and I throw it. I open my eyes and see the man that was holding Eren on the ground, and Eren staring in my direction. Fuck. I missed. I look at Mikasa and see her looking at me wide-eyed.

"How did you do that?!" she whisper/screamed at me.

"I'll tell you later."

She nods and looks back at Eren.

"No point in hiding now F/N."


She stands up and so do I.

"Ah! Nice of you two to join the party!" Eren says smiling.

He ties the rope to the dead guys leg and let's go. I wince slightly, at how much he doesn't care that, that guy's dead. I look up at Levi and see he's still kicking slightly.

"You should save him F/N. He's not going to last much longer." Eren says while smirking.

"Shut up." I say, finally realizing how pissed off I am.

"Ooh. You got some fire huh? I want you."

"Fuck you. I belong to one person. And I'm going to save that one person."

I look over at Mikasa.

"Can you get Levi down?"

"It'd be safer if you did. Do you have any fighting expierience?"

I sigh.

"Yes. I had to promise not to use it unless absolutely necessary though. I can handle him."

Mikasa sighs.

"Alright. Don't take to long."

"You got it."

"You girls done yet?! I'm getting antsy!" Eren screams interuppting us.

"Go." I tell Mikasa.

We both run forward and before I know it I'm in front of Eren. I strike with amazing speed I forgot I had. Eren doesn't even have time to brace himself before I hit him. He stumbles backward. He wipes his chin. Apparently that's where I hit him.

"You're really good. Even better than Le-"

I cut him off.

"You don't deserve to say his name. Now shut up while I kill you."

"Oh? I got to know, who taught you?"

I grab the knife out of the man's body. It's been awhile since I killed someone. The first and last time I killed someone, my mom had been killed in front my eyes. I went on a total rage fit, killing everyone in sight. No wonder I couldn't remember anything from when I was younger than 10. I blocked the memories out. Apparently, that's when I used to throw knives. I shake my head as my memories come flooding back. I look back at Eren and realize he's standing up.

Mafia!Levi x Regular!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now