Levi's discharged

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Hey guys!!!!! Warning, there will be a little lemon in this chapter. Here's your chapter! Happy reading!!!!

Reader POV, 1 week later, Date is 2/14, 4 days till birthday.

Yay!! Levi's being discharged!! I run outside into my car and get in. I start the car and drive to the hospital. When I arrive at the hospital, I park the car and rush in.

"How may I help you ma'am?" the lady at the desk asks.

"I'm here for Levi."


"F/N L/N. Levi saved me from the Jaegers."

"Oh. They told me you were coming. Right this way please."

The lady gets up from the desk and leads me to Levi's room. It's in the restricted area of the hospital. She scans her card and opens the door for me.

"Room 38."

"Thank you."

I go in the door and she closes it behind me, then she walks away. I walk up to Levi's room and knock on the door.

"Name and business."

Wow. What an answer.

"Why should I tell you anything?"

I hear him chuckle behind the door.

"Come in F/N."

I open the door to see Levi without his shirt on. He's so hot. I see his shirt is on the ground. He must've dropped it.

"Need help with that?"

"Yeah, these painkillers do nothing for me."

I pick up his shirt.

"How come the painkillers don't work for you?"

"I've made myself immune to most poison and medication."


"So people can't kidnap me by making me fall asleep."

"Ok. Can you put your arms up?"

He puts his arms up with a groan. I slip his shirt over him.

"There you go."


He puts his shoes on and his jacket on then grabs my hand.

"Let's go, beautiful."

We walk out of his room hand in hand. We walk up to the desk and the lady is sitting there as if I had never even come there. Levi lets go of my hand and puts them on the desk.

"Are you ready to check out Master Levi?"

Master Levi? She must work for Levi.


She looks at her computer and types a few things.

"Alright. You're all set to leave Master Levi."

"Thank you."

Levi grabs my hand again and we walk out of the hospital. We walk up to my car and I open the door to get in, then Levi puts his hand in front of me before I can get in. I look at him.

"Yes? Do you need something?"

"You're not driving."

"Why not?"


"Too bad. You're injured. Shut up and get in the passenger seat."

He grumbles.

Mafia!Levi x Regular!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now