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Hey, lovely readers! Whatdya think of the story so far? Tell me in the comments below! Anyways, back to the story!

Levi's POV, Night of celebration, still 31 days till readers birthday, date is obviously 1/18

My first thought? This is going to suck.

My stupid friend (BFF/N) drags me along to her "celebration party" for getting a job to have fun and meet her friend, F/N. I had to drop everything just because she would hunt me down and kill me if I didn't go, so I went to avoid having to kill her cause she's trying to kill me. 

A girl walks out of the back room, and BFF/N waves and makes me stand up with her. 

"F/N, meet Levi Rivialle, Levi meet my BFF, F/N L/N."

I shake F/N's hand. "Nice to meet you, F/N."

"Nice to meet you, too."

My first thought in meeting F/N was wow. She was the perfect woman. Her H/C hair was flowing ever so slightly, her shirt and coat matched her pants perfectly, her beautiful E/C eyes shimmered, and she had nice curvy body. She sits down, and I realize my head's foggy. I've managed to dispel those thoughts when I notice F/N's really red.

"You ok, brat?" I ask.

She has a really blank face, so I ask her again with different words: "Oi, are you deaf brat? I asked if you were ok."

She looks like she finally realizes I'm talking to her. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine."

BFF/N looks concerned. "Are you sure? You're really red."

"Oh, I am? Yeah, I'm fine."

"Okay... I'll be right back. I'm going to the bathroom.".

F/N says, in a really cute voice, "Jeez, do you have to announce it to the world?"

"Yes, yes I do."

She finally leaves for the bathroom. I realize that F/N and I are sitting there alone in silence. I was about to say something to break the silence, but what?

"So, Levi, what do you do for a living?"

Why does she want to know that about me? Is she a spy for the Jaeger family head?

The two lead mafia gangs are the Jaeger and Rivialle families. The Jaeger family wants to be the number one mafia gang, so, naturally, they have tried to kill Levi multiple times, in different ways (I won't go into detail about how they tried to kill him so just make up whatever you want). Naturally, he's suspicous. Eren Jaeger is the head of the Jaeger group and Levi is the head of the Rivialle. Now, back to the story!

I reply, my voice cold, "None of your business, brat."

Instead of leaving it alone, she replies, "Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, I'm not a brat, dumbass. I'm 20."

So, she barks. That's a nice surprise, considering most people cower under my gaze.

"You're younger than me by 4 years; therefore, you're a brat in my eyes."

Now, does she bite?

She sits in her chair with a dumb but beautiful facial expression. I fight the urge to smirk as I see that she's going to try to slap me.

She does bite.

I grab her wrist with one hand, grab her waist with the other, and pull her really close. I smile. "Don't even try. You'll never succeed."

She's freaking out now. Crap, I didn't mean to make her freak out. I see BFF/N coming out of the bathroom out of the corner of my eye and let F/N go, going back to my previous sitting position. I try not to think anything of what I just did.

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