Levi Saves Me

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Hey, readers I'm back! I'm going to put Levi's POV in this one as well as yours. You get saved in this one! Yay! Anyway, I'm going to give you your POV from after you wake up after the Jaegers kidnap you. Oh, and before you start this chapter I changed the last chapter a little bit. So, if you go back and read that then all of this will make more sense. Happy reading!

Readers POV, After you wake up from being kidnapped, Date is still 1/24

I wake up on a cold floor. My body hurts, and it's hard to see. Bright lights surround me, so all I can see is white, even when I squint. I groan as I try to look around, but find my wrists and ankles unmoving.

Where am I?

"Oh, so the princess is awake, huh?"

I look around for the voice, panic settling into my bones. I come face to face with beautiful teal eyes. They're like a boundless lagoon with perfect weather, but there's a glint in them of a hint of a hurricane coming to destroy the peace.

"Wow. I can understand why Levi likes you. You are absolutely stunning, especially your eyes."

I squirm as he leans back and reaches into his pocket, sure he'll grab a gun or a knife or something else to kill me with, but he pulls out a cellphone. I relax a little, but my body is still tense from fear and adrenaline makes my heart beat fast.

"Levi here. Name and business."

My heart almost stops from the rush of relief I felt hearing those faint words. Then, I remember what the situation is and immediately hate myself. Levi's in danger because of me.

The teal-eyed man smirks. "Eren Jaeger. My business with you is about your little girlfriend."

My brain pauses at that.

Jaegar... Where have I heard that name before?

"What do you want?"

Eren puts the phone down and looks at me with a bone-chilling stare. "Get the girl."

Two guys grab me up by the arms and drag me over to Eren. He rips the tape off my mouth, earning a small yelp out of me, and puts the phone next to my head. He then puts a gun up to my head.


I don't say anything, biting my lip.

He nudges my head with the gun, and says, "Talk," this time with more force and anger in his voice.

"Levi?" I whimper.

"I'm right here, F/N," Levi's soothing voice replies.

Eren shoves a pice of paper in front of my face. "Read this and tell him what you read."

I read it: "Levi, they changed the pick up date. They want you here at 5:00 tonight. Same rules apply, same place."

I whimper as Eren pushes the gun harsher on my head and cocks it. Levi says something, then I hear a gun go off. Excruciating pain shoots up my right leg. I can't hold in the scream as I felt the pain triple, just from standing. My vision starts to go fuzzy from all the pain, and my knees go weak. The two guys that grabbed me put the duct tape back on my mouth. I see and hear Eren start talking to Levi again. I manage to keep myself from losing conciousness to hear their conversation but focusing is very difficult.

"What did you do to her?!"

"Did you hear that, Rivialle?"

"What did you do to her?!" Levi tells again.

"Oh, nothing. Just shot her in the leg to remind you not to do anything and that we hold all the power. Did you get all the details?"


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