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The first thing I see when I wake up is Erwin standing by my bed.

"What day is it Erwin?"

"It's February 7th."

February 7th. I've been asleep for 2 weeks?! I'm never going to sleep again. The doors burst open and Mikasa and F/N come busting through the doors. They both throw themselves on top of me.

"Ow! Get off that hurts!" I yell after Mikasa and F/N bear hug me.

They get off and look at me. They keep looking at me. 5 seconds pass, another 5 seconds pass. Are they looking at something on my head?

"What? Is there something on my face?"

I reach for my face when F/N grabs my hand.

"Is something wrong F/N?"

She starts sobbing into my hand. Oh fuck! What did I do? I see Dr. (whatever you want his name to be) ushering everyone out of the room. I hug her until her crying slows down. When her crying slows down she looks into my eyes with her beautiful E/C eyes. How I missed those happy glittering eyes.

"I missed you Levi."

"I missed you to F/N."

I kiss her and she kisses back. OW!!!!!!!!! I break away from the kiss and can't help wincing in pain. F/N looks at me with a paniced look in her eye.

"Are you ok?!"

I inhale sharply. Oh motherfucker everything hurts.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say rather breathy.

"I'll go get the doctor."

She starts to get up to leave and I grab her hand. I start to cry for the first time in my life. Every person has to let feelings out eventually.

"Please stay with me F/N. Just for a moment. Then you can get the doctor."

She smiles at me with her beautiful smile.

"Alright Levi. I'll stay."

She sits back down on the bed and I cry onto her shoulder. She pats my head while I cry.

"I was so worried about you F/N. -sniff- I was worried Jaeger killed you. -sniff-"

"It's ok Levi. Thanks to you, they didn't get a chance to kill me."

She starts to cry on my shoulder. We sit there sharing warmth and tears till we can cry no more.

Hey guys!!! How'd you like the chapter? I know it was short and I'm really sorry about that. I'll try to get back to the regular routine in the next chapter. See you in the next one!!!!

Mafia!Levi x Regular!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now