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Hey there!!!!! Birthday time!!!!! Finally, right? So here's why your birthday is so important. Time has skipped to your birthday, and Levi is mostly healed (bruises are gone, and so is his dignity! XD). This will be the end chapter. Hope you liked the fanfic and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reader POV, Date is 2/18, 0 days till birthday!!!!!!

After what happened 3 days ago, I can finally relax. Levi is sleeping soundly next to me. He looks like a little kid. I'm glad his bruises are gone, but he refuses to share what happened before Mikasa and I got there. I wonder what happened, but not enough to push it. He starts to riggle around and he opens his eyes. His beautiful gray eyes. He smiles at me.

"Morning beautiful."

"Morning Levi."

He makes a pouty face at me.

"Awwwwwww. No nickname?"

He's so adorable!!!!!!

"I'm afraid I'm not creative enough to give you one."

"Sure you are."

He kisses my forehead and crawls out of bed. I completely forgot that he slept in his clothes last night. I hope he wasn't uncomfortable.

"I'll be back in a little bit F/N!"


I hear the door shut before I can finish. I start to pout. I grab my phone off my nightstand and look at the calender.


Be quiet F/N!!!!! It's still 10:00am!!! It's my birthday today according to my phone. I completely forgot. I wonder if Levi knows. I crawl out of bed and get changed into my dark blue jeans, a C long sleeve shirt to match, mismatched socks, and a necklace my mom gave me when I was a kid. I miss you mom. I walk out of the bedroom and go to my kitchen. I walk up to my fridge, and open it. I grab an apple and a iced coffee (If you don't like coffee, it can be whatever you want). I eat the apple then open the coffee. Once I've finished my coffee I get my black boots on (The boots cover about three-quarters of your calf) and walk out the door. I think I'll walk around today. Maybe go shopping, visit some favorite shops, I don't know. I guess whatever.

Le Time Skip To Around 8:00 pm

I look at my phone and see Levi texted me.

Levi: Hey. Can you come to my apartment? I have something for you. Sent on 2/18

Hmm. I wonder what that's about.

Me: Sure! Be there in 5! Sent on 2/18

Levi responded about 5 seconds later.

Levi: Great. Sent on 2/18

Not a sarcastic "great" FYI!!!!! While I'm here.......

Le Time Skip To When You're Walking Into Levi's Apartment

I wonder what Levi wants. I knock on his door, to make sure I don't catch him doing something wierd. Not sure what it might be, but better safe then sorry. I hear some running and the door opens shortly after that. Levi's in a white t-shirt and dark blue jeans (The same color as your jeans.). He looks so hot, when he's natural!!!!!!!!! I walk in and take my shoes off. I turn around and look at Levi, who seems to be daydreaming.

"I have something to show you."

"Umm, ok."

He grabs my hand and walks me into his bedroom. He picks up black dress, that's hung on a hanger. It's a cute dress that's fancy but casual. I could go to a club in this, or a fancy restaraunt. I stare at him in disbelief.

Mafia!Levi x Regular!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now