Normal Day Turns Interesting

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Hey, guys! As you can tell, this is going to be very interesting (I wonder why XD). What twist do I have in store for you today? Hope you enjoy the story!

Reader's POV, 30 days until birthday, Date is 1/19

I wake up like any other day, do my regular morning get up (it's pretty much the morning routing of the first chapter, but minus the power outage), eat breakfast and go to work.

Time Skip To When You Go Through The Doors Of The Cafe

I go to the back room and put my change of clothes in my locker, then I go outside to start working. As soon as I walk out, my boss tells me I have a customer, so I go to see what he or she wants. I go up to the table where the customer is sitting and recognize him immediatley as Levi.

Fucking. Hell.

"Hello, sir, what can I get you?" I ask, trying my best not to let my hate for him out.

"Just coffee," he says, not looking up from his newspaper, appearing to not have noticed that I still hate his guts.

"Do you want cream with that, sir?" I ask, trying not to strangle him right there and then for having to call him "sir".


It's official. I'm going to kill him. But, how to do it? I start planning as I make his coffee and an idea sparks into my head. I'll poison his coffee! I'll probably do it after I make him trust me.

I come out 10-ish minutes later with his coffee and give it to him. 

"Here's your coffee, sir."

"Thanks," he says still not looking up from his newspaper.

I walk away, officially pissed now. I had started serving my other customers when he calls me over.

"Hey, F/N."

"What?" I ask, a little mad that he's interfering with me serving my other customers.

"Can you sit with me when it's your break time?" he asks, cool as ever.

"Fine, but my break isn't for another hour."

"Then, you'll just have to keep serving me until then."

Le Time Skip To Break Time

I sit down across from Levi and he immediately says, "Where do you live, F/N?"

"Why the fuck do you want to know?"

He rolls his eyes, as if the answer should be obvious. "Because I'm a Mafia member and the other Mafia group might try to hurt you because I know and talk to you."

He sounds lightly concerned. I mentally shrug and let it slide. There's no way thinking that he's concerned for my safety.

"Fine. I live at (random address)." (just make up your address for the fanfic, and this has to be the address to the place you're living right now in the fanfic)

"That's convienient. I live there, too. What floor and what room?"

Creepy. That's really creepy.

"(random floor and room number)." (make up your actual room number and floor)

"Great. I'm your next door neighbor."

What the flying fuck? He's my next door neighbor and I didn't notice? I must be the worst next door neighbor to ever exist.

"Oh, also, give me your spare key." He orders that as if he's asking for a sandwich. "I'll need to be able to access your room, just in case you get in trouble."

Mafia!Levi x Regular!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now