I Meet Levi Rivialle

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Hey, reader! Probably not going to finish this for awhile but try to bear with me. Everything starts here....hope you enjoy!!!!!! 

Readers POV 31 days till birthday the date is 1/18

I wake up on my apartment floor freezing cold. 

Why am I on the floor?

I slowly stand up and walk to the thermostat. "It's 55 degrees (Fahrenheit)?! What happened to the heater? Did it shut off?"

I turn the heater back on to warm up my apartment back to my comfortable 70 degrees (Fahrenheit). I walk over to my nightstand and get socks out of the drawer to warm up my cold feet. I look at my clock while I'm there and notice that my clock is blinking. My eyes widen in sudden realization.

"Oh my god, the power shut down last night?!"

I sprint to my kitchen counter where my phone is charging and take a look at what time it is. "Oh good, it's only 6:00am. Just when I needed to get up."

I go into my bathroom and brush all the tangles out of my H/C hair then take a shower. I shriek due to the cold water from the power being out. I come out of the shower 5 minutes later, get dressed in my fuzzy Fav/C robe, brush my teeth, brush and blow dry my hair, then get dressed in my work clothes, and go make breakfast.

 About 15 minutes later, when I'm almost done eating breakfast, my BFF calls me. 

I pick up the phone. "Good morning, BFF/N. It's rare for you to be up this early". 

She responds with a fake yawn. "Yeah yeah, anyway I have some good news for you."

"Oh yeah? And what might that be?"

She squeals in excitement and shouts into the phone, nearly deafening me: "I got a job at Cafe France!"

She's been trying to get a job for a while now after getting fired from her last job, and she finally found one. Even so, it takes me about 10 seconds to process what she just told me.

"Yes! We get to work together!"

After calming down, she says, "I was going to celebrate with you and a friend at Cafe France at 4:00pm. Is that ok?" 

"Yeah! That actually works out great! That's when I get off work today. See you at 4pm! Bye, BFF/N."


I hang up the phone and finish breakfast then grab my bag and put my phone, purse, and my change of clothes in there/. I head to the train station to start my day.

Le Time Skip To The Celebration Party

I get changed out of my work clothes into a C tank top, black yoga pants, and black coat to match the pants. I go outside to the dining area of the cafe and see my BFF with a guy (who looks like a serial killer but whatever). When she sees me, she waves, and they both stand up. I walk over, and she introduces us.

"F/N, meet Levi Rivialle, Levi meet my BFF, F/N L/N."

The guy who looks like a serial killer, apparently named Levi, shakes my hand. "Nice to meet you, F/N."

I shake his hand, my grip firm. "Nice to meet you, too."

I didn't notice this until after we were done with introductions and ordering, but Levi is hot as fuck. His raven hair is cut perfectly to match his emotionless face, his beautiful gray eyes look sad yet dare you to feel bad for him, so he can kick your ass, his muscles show ever so slightly under his white button up shirt, his legs are the perfect length in his black pants with his belt. He was practically my dream guy...

Shit, my dream guy is sitting right next to me.

I started to blush as I realized what I was thinking about a guy I just met.

"You ok, brat?"

What did I just hear?

"Oi, are you deaf, brat? I asked if you were ok."

I finally realized that Levi was talking to me. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine."

BFF/N's eyes hold concern as she looks at me. "Are you sure? You're really red."

I respond stupidly, "Oh, I am? Yeah, I'm fine."

"Okay... I'll be right back. I'm going to the bathroom."

"Jeez, do you have to announce it to the world?" I ask.

"Yes, yes I do," she says back teasingly.

She leaves for the bathroom and I realize, Oh fuck, I'm with a emotionless, hot guy, alone, right now.

"So, Levi, what do you do for a living?" I ask, then immediately regret it.

He glares daggers at me. "None of your business, brat."

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, I'm not a brat, dumbass. I'm 20."

"You're younger than me by 4 years; therefore, you're a brat in my eyes."

I sit there in shock that a guy I just met is insulting me. Then I do the dumbest, yet, most logical thing to do. I try to slap him. Of course, he expects it and grabs my wrist. He pulls me really close to his body so that our faces are just inches from touching. He did the scariest thing he could do next. He smiled with a glint in his eyes.

"Don't even try. You'll never succeed."

I try to break out of his grip but fail miserably. I then realized that it probably looked like we were kissing. I immediately turned scarlet, then, to my rescue, BFF/N comes back from the bathroom. He lets go of my wrist and goes back to lounging in his seat.

"Hey, anything interesting happen while I was gone?" she says, smiling like a mad person.

Levi responds, "Nope."

I am sitting there in shock as he acts like nothing happened. I'm still trying to get over how close we were to kissing each other. 

No, get those thoughts out of your head, moron. He's just a guy who your BFF is friends with.

I manage to expel all of those thoughts out my head for the rest of the evening.

Le Time Skip To When We're All Getting Ready To Leave The Cafe

"Bye, Levi," BFF/N says with a grin.


Then I say, with obvious hate in my voice, "Bye, Levi."

"Bye, brat," he replys with a smirk.

He gets in his black car and drives away, leaving me and BFF/N alone on the sidewalk.

"Oh, here's his number!" she says as she grabs my phone from my bag.

"Wait, what?"

She starts making him a contact in my phone.

I finally realize what's going on after she's done. "Oh come on, BFF/N! I don't want his number!

"Too bad," she says with a determined look on her face.

I give up from there.

"Bye, BFF/N."

"Bye, F/N."

I go home and pass out after a very long evening. No showering, no nothing. Just immediate sleep.

So what'd you guys think of my first ever fanfic so far? Upbeat comments will help and make me feel great! And hate comments won't bother me but help me. Hope you liked the first part!


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