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It's funny how brave people think I am, how scary or intimidating. I've been told I have a "dominant personality" when in all reality I learned you can't fight battles that one has already lost. I pick my battles and I pick them wrong..a lot. I learn and grow. Move and change. But there's one thing I can't seem to change. It's the scared little girl they met freshman year of highschool. The one that had too much going on. The one who put on a face. I am not brave, or scary, or dominant. I am nervous and afraid. Anxious and sensitive. I cry about most things now, maybe that my healing? I'm nothing to fear. As I have nothing I can do.
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a soul of mind"             -2 Timothy 1:17

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