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Y/n Parrish 27 (gp)
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Adeya Nomi Parrish 5
"Woah take it easy Mrs.Parrish."I heard as I groaned squinting at the brights lights. As they put a straw to my lips and gave me some water.
"W-where am I?"I asked lowly.
"The hospital. You were in a pileup crash almost a year ago. I have to call your wife."The lady said as I tried to sit up confused.
"Wife?"I said holding my head.
"Yes, Kehlani."She said which didn't ring a bell.
"Do I have a phone?"I said as she nodded handing me a bag. The phone automatically unlocked I assumed I had Face ID. I immediately went to the photos to try to understand what was happening.
"Excuse me, is this the 'wife'?" I said showing her a girl I saw multiple times in my camera roll as she nodded.
"Yes, Mrs. Parrish are you alright?"She asked
"I don't remember..."I said as she looked concerned.
"Um Mrs.Parrish I'll go get the head doctor. I'll be right back."She said as I nodded swiping through seeing pictures of a little girl.
"Hey uh, do I have any kids?"I said as she nodded sadly.
"A daughter she just turned 5 last month."she said sadly.
"When my um wife and everyone else finds out and gets here can you tell them I need a minute. I'm trying to process this."I said as she nodded.
"Of course."She said
Kehlani POV
I was on tour and today was my last show. I was now on staged and was goin to wrap it up. I had specifically asked the last show be in L.A so I could immediately go check on my wife after.
"How y'all doing? Did I do good? I know I've done this a million times but I still get nervous seeing all of your beautiful faces."I said into the mic as they brought me a chair and I sat down. The crowd was still screaming, as they dim every light but mine.
"Can I share something with y'all?"I said as I heard them yell yes.
"I want to thank everybody who made this happen. My team. The hard work and sweat put into this to make this happen. But I mostly want to thank you guys because you might not know it but you guys have helped a lot of people. All proceeds of this small tour has gone to hurting families in need who can't pay for things like medical bills and expenses. I wanted to um...do this...because I never realized how stressful it could be until I went through it myself. Now I have the luxury of being able to pay for it. But that doesn't make it less stressful, you know?"I said tearing up looking out into the crowd.
"Now I asked this not be public so I know everyone is going to be in shock when I say what I'm about to say. But a lot of you have wondered where's y/n? And did we break up? And so on. But umm..."I said pausing crying as I fanned my face.
"My bad y'all...sorry."I said trying to gather my self as I felt small hands on me hearing the crowd awe as I looked up and saw my daughter.
"Don't cry mama."She said as the mic picked it up the crowd awing as I picked her up laughing through my tears as I placed her on my lap.
"I'm okay baby, thank you."I said as she waved at the crowd.
"Hiii."She said
"Y'all better say it back now."I said joking as they all said hi people in the front waving back.
"But umm...y/n was involved in an accident...and she's alive but she's actually in a coma...so I did this whole tour in honor of her. I wanted to cancel it at first but I know how bad she wanted me to do it before this all happened so I want y'all to please hug your families. Love on them. Love on your neighbors. And I'm about to wrap this up I want y'all to say something for me though can y'all do it?"I said looking behind me as the screen was lit up with y/n pictures and Adeya pointed I didn't know they were going to do that.
"It's mommy!"She said
"Yes baby."I said turning back around seeing all the flashlights.
"Before I go I want y'all to say we love you y/n on 3! 1,2,3"I said as they said it and I smiled gettting up with Adeya.
"Thank y'all I love y'all."I said going off stage as they cut the mic and I hugged my baby tightly.
"Keh?"My manager said as I looked at him.
"Hmm?"I said putting Adeya down wiping my face.
"It's y/n..."He said as I looked at him sadly shaking my head before looking at Adeya.
"Baby go with Tete Riley."I said as she walked out with one of my dancers.
"Don't say it... don't tell me..."I said as he shook his head.
"She's alive... she's awake now. The hospital called me."He said as I held my chest.
"Don't play like that."I said smiling as I broke down.
"But there's more."He said as I shook my head.
"I can't take any more. Is it bad?"I said kneeling catching myself so I would fall.
"The nurse said she can't remember anything."He said