Project: Get Back Together 2

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Y/n Brown

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Y/n Brown

Aaliyah Lathan

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Aaliyah Lathan

Aaliyah Lathan

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Arielle Long

Aaliyah Pov

"You know you my bestie right?"Ari said as we laughed in her bed.

"Duh, I'm like your only friend."I said laughing as she mugged me.

"Ah ha ha ha. But for real I love you but I need space. You can't love my house that much.Cause I hate it hereeee."She said dramatically.

"Girl boo. But honestly, I guess it's cause it's the only place I can get away from my mom. And you know I don't like my dad. So it's really the only place she'll let me go. She won't even let me talk to my mama."I said rolling my eyes.

"I mean I understand but I don't. Why you trying so hard to be away from aunt Sanaa. I mean I love being around my mama, I know sometimes it's too much. But that's my best-friend. It's people out here that wish they could have me and her relationship. And as much as she act annoyed I know she love it too. One day she gone appreciate that, and I want be as sad when she goes because I know I spent my time with her."She said.

I never thought about it like that.

"I get that too. But she chased my mama away and won't even let me talk to her. That was MY bestfriend. Now the hose feels so empty. My mom always sad, or angry. We don't even talk when we walk past eachother. Everything different now. And it's not like this the first time it happened, the same thing happened with my dad. He told me she chased him away too. And I believe him. He used to always come to my games and stuff before she divorced him. And when she divorced him, he divorced me too. And now this same things happing with mama and it's all her fault. I hate her."I said

"I know you mad but don't say that. You need to be mindful of what you put out into the universe. It ain't always so merciful."She said

"Girl all of that stuff not real anyways. And I stand on what I said."I said as she shook her head.

"Alright bro."She said

"You wanna make some TikTok's?"I said as she nodded.


Y/n Pov

"Hello?"Sanaa said answering the phone as I got surprised. Honestly I thought she'd never pick up.

"Hey."I said not knowing what to say.

"Hi."She said awkwardly, I'm guessing wondering why I was calling.

"Um I'm sorry, I was wondering if I could come get some things I left. I'm not trying to overstep, or overwhelm I just really need those files. And I know you don't want me around Aaliyah so I made sure she wasn't there—

"How do you know she not here?"She said

"Larenz told me."I said

"I swear—

"I asked about her. Look I know you said what you said but you can't pretend like I didn't help raise her, like she wasn't my daughter too. And I heard she's
Been giving you a hard time—

"Y/n stop, okay? Just stop. It's my daughter and of course she's mad at me because she thinks I'm the bad guy. When in reality you're the bad guy. You're the one who cheated. And because I didn't tell her that she thinks I broke up our happy little home. So I'm fine with being the bad guy. If it means protecting her from you breaking my heart like you did me."She said as I sighed heavily.

Of course I felt bad and she was 99% right, and she was always wrong. Because regardless of what happened that doesn't mean take my daughter away. I mean she basically was dangling her over my head as leverage because she knew it would hurt me, throughout the whole divorce.
Yes I was wrong, I've admitted it time and time again. But it's no way she justifies her taking my daughter away because of me Making out with another woman while I was mad and drunk.

I've regretted it till this day, I mean who loses there whole family and everything they've built off a kiss? It's infidelity but come on. When I told Sanaa she went ballistic, though I had told her immediately after she wasn't hearing it. And she started to make up in her head that I was just like her ex husband. I never loved her. All types of stuff.

"Sanaa, I know what I did. And I'm sorry. You've showed me how much I shouldn't have fucked up. I mean you have everything, everything, which you deserve and more. But was a kiss really worth banishing me from ever seeing Aaliyah again. I mean I know you're trying to hurt me. But can't you see you're hurting her as well?"I said

"By y/n. Don't come to my house. Somebody will bring whatever you need, don't call me again."She said

"Wait, wait, wait—

"Oh my god?!"I heard her say before I heard I'm guessing the phone drop.

"Sanaa?! Sanaa?!"I said calling out her name to see if she was answering. "Baby?!  Baby can you hear me?!im on my way!"I said knowing she wound probably be mad but what if it was something important.


Aaliyah POV

"Ari come here baby."Auntie Nia said as Ari left my side as I rewatched our video laughing lightly. I looked up to see auntie Nia talking to her as they both looked back at me, but they're expression was different. I felt my heart drop to my stomach. I knew some thing was wrong.

"Aaliyah?"Auntie Nia called me over as I looked at her.

"Um, we gotta go some where real quick. I need you to get everything you need—

"Where are we going?"I said softly.

"I'll tell you in the car—

"What's going on?"I asked as Ari looked at me sadly.

"Mama I think you should just tell her. Ain't no sense in waiting."Ari said

"Tell me what? What's going on?"I said they were starting to make me mad. They were acting as if they had to walk on eggshells around me.

"There's been an accident..."

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