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Y/n 'Jdot' Rivers
"Yeen gone introduce me or nun we just gone start?"I joked. Right now I was on Yuntie show for an interview. After weeks of us going live together, the fans loved our antics and chemistry so they wanted a like up.
"Man ion gotta introduce you. Let you tell it they know who you is."She said as I chuckled.
"They should. Especially in Jacksonville, everybody know me." i said
"Unt Unt ion like that. See I'm from Miami. Ian with allat. What that mean you got OPPs or something? People looking for you?"She asked as I laughed.
"I hope not." I said
"You hope not? Now what the fuck that mean?"She said
"I just really hope not. It wouldn't work out in they favor. Heard them switches hit quick."I said
"Where da hell you get a stick from? Ain't no trees round here. I should know I woulda been whopped my son ass."She said making me laugh lightly.
"Yuntie you know Ian talm bout no trees. This don't come from no tree. This ma'fucka hitting I tell ya."I said
"Ohhh you one of them."
"One of what?" I asked curiously.
"Them young niggas. I heard bout y'all. They be telling me steer clear."She said
"What you mean? What you hear?" I asked
"Nun I just heard bout y'all. They be like nephew nem get down they don't play. I be like who is nephew nem. They said y'all them YN's I be like hell nahh."She said making me laugh sitting up.
"Indeed I don't not. Youn fuck with the YN's? I promise you it'll change ya life."I said as she looked me crazy.
"A hell nawl. What I need some young fa? I'm too mature for that."She said
"Man stop. You scared imma take you down through there. You can't keep up with me."I said trying to get her started.
"Aight now, you better stop, I'll have you somewhere rocking back and forth sucking on your thumb and calling fa ya mammy."She said
"Who's to say Ian gone have you like that? I mean yeen gone be able to get off me. It's addicting I promise." I said
"Boy—I mean girl— shit you got me all discombobulated be than lost my train of thought."She paused as I laughed. "What is your name anyway?"
"Jdot."I said as she smacked her teeth.
"So your mama named you dot dot?"she asked as I nodded.
"Hell yeah. I came out, she took one look at me and said that's it right Thea , jdot breezy."I said trying not to give it away.
"I refuse to believe that when you came out yo mama asshole she names you Jdot Breezy. What kind of shit is that? That's that young folk shit. How old your mama is?"
"25." I said as she started laughing in disbelief.
"Get the hell outta here. Ain't you 23?"She said as I nodded.
"Yeah, but— that's why ion like talking about it cause she—my mama was a ho—
"Girl stop playing."
"Nah I'm fucking with you. My name y/n."I said bursting out to laughing.
"Man I was starting to believe you. Don't play like that. That's a beautiful name, it fit you. In all your YN aesthetic."She said
"I think you wanna see what the hype bout. I think that's what's going on."I said
"How you figure that?"she said taking the bait.
"Man look how you be looking at a jit. I told you I'll really take you down through there and fuck your head up. You keep looking all good and shit I be seeing you. It's like you been teasing a nigga. You wanted me to come onnis podcast."I said as she burst out into laughter.
"Girl stop playing. How you gone tell that lie like that. The fans orchestrated this. Take that up with them."She said
"Nah nah I think you was the mastermind. You know you be flirting and throwing them googly eyes at me and shit"I said.
"Girl stop it, I'm old enough to be your auntie."She said as I shrugged.
"So? I believe The aunties need love too. Rick Ross ain't know what to do with it. I get you, you gone stay round I promise."I said as her jaw dropped.
"Well on that note, we can end the episode here, Yuntie gon call y'all back, bye."She said before turning of the mics and cameras as I took my phone out waiting.
"You hungry?"She asked after a couple of minutes I was sitting at the island in her kitchen.
"Man tia don't start."I joked.
"What? I'm just asking, I know y'all be going on drills and things. You must be malnourished."She said
"Nawl don't ask me is I'm hungry, I'm thinking you talking bout some else."I said
"Girl what you talking about?"She said acting clueless.
"You know what I'm taking about."I said
"Y/n I will take YOUR young ass down through there. You betta stop. Youn want it with me."She said shaking her head.
"And what if I do?"I asked
"Imma get ya exactly what you asking for in a minute stop playing."She said as I smacking my teeth.
"Ian playing, I'm telling you, I'll fuck that bob up."I said
"Ian listening to you man, you all talk."She said as I moved my phone getting up walking behind her, I know she could feel me.
"So you still think I'm playin? "I said smirking as she turned and looked at me.