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Immediately I stand up and wrap Jaycee in a hug. Harry stands up too, but doesn't come near us. She's crying so hard she can hardly breathe.

I pull back from the embrace and push the hair out of her face. I grab her shoulders and gently make her sit down where I had just been sitting. Harry steps around me and closes the bathroom door.

I sit beside her and wrap my arms around her shoulders.

"I- I didn't m-mean to I don't k-know what c-came over m-me I- I'm sorry it's n-not all m-me fault is i-it?" She tries to get out.

"Shh," I say, smoothing down her hair. "Calm down, then you can talk."

She nods and tries to calm down.

I shoot Harry a look, and he looks worried.

I continue to smooth down her hair as her breathing returns to normal and she's no longer crying.

"Are you ready now?" I ask.

She nods before taking a deep breath. "Ashton is done with me."

Harry and I both gasp.

She continues. "Here's what happened. I was upstairs with Louis, Niall, and Luke and we were all smoking. I walk to the kitchen to do something, and I catch him screwing this girl on the counter. I walk back upstairs and find Luke. I take him into the nearest room- which so happens to be the paints room and I'm sorry- and I screw him. Being as drunk and high as I was, it seemed like the only logical explanation. Well, when Luke and I were done, we walk out and Ashton just so happens to walk down the hallway and catch us."

Her eyes water again but she controls herself. "He looked at me, at Luke, then back to me. I guess it wasn't hard to figure out what we had just done. "What's this?" He asked. "You tell me." I told him. "Did you fuck him?" He said, nodding towards Luke. "I could ask you the same thing about the girl in the kitchen." I say.

"I felt kinda bad for Luke, he was stuck in the middle of it. But he didn't leave. Ashton walks towards me and leans down so he's whispering in my ear. "Well you know what? I never loved you." That's when I started to tear up. "You were nothing but a good fuck to me." He kept going while I weakly told him to stop. "The only reason why I kept coming back to you was because you would do anything I asked you." He said and the tears started to fall."

Jaycee takes another deep breath and I hold her closer. I knew this would happen eventually.

But, she continues. "I told him to stop, but he kept going. "I never cared about you. I fucked so many other girls while I was screwing you. You were so easy to fool, so easy to manipulate." That's when I pushed him away. Then he started yelling. "You're nothing but a dirty slut that nobody is ever going to love! You're so fucking annoying and clingy! I regret every single moment I spent with you, you're such a fucking bitch!"

"By this point I was sobbing amd telling him to stop, but Luke comes out from behind me and punches him square in the jaw. I had forgotten that he was there. Luke eventually knocks Ashton on the ground and he keeps hitting him and I finally run away. I ran in here because I figured nobody else would be in here but yall were. And here I am now." Jaycee finishes with a half-hearted laugh, with more tears streaming down her face.

Harry and I are silent as she starts crying again, and Harry crawls over and holds her with me.

I let her cry it out, knowing she needs it. I let her story sink in, and I get angry. Ashton tore her apart, just like I knew he would. I tried to warn her, but I guess no amount of warning could prepare you for the heartbreak that would come.

I flashback to the last time her heart had been shattered, and I pray that she doesn't lose herself like that again. I know that I'm going to have to keep a close eye on her from now on.

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