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+unedited, possible typos+

*A few days later*

*Bailey POV*

"Niall if you do not stop I swear." I warn one last time. We're cuddling in bed and he's been poking my side for the past 5 minutes and he knows how much I hate it. I'm just trying to enjoy my favorite book.

"What are you going to do?" He grins, reaching to poke me again.

I reach over and slap his arm.

"Because that hurt so much." He scoffs and rolls his eyes.

I roll my eyes back at him and continue reading my book.

"Baby." Poke.

"Babe." Poke.

"Princess please pay attention to me." Niall whines and buries his face between my shoulder blades.

Biting my lip, I keep on ignoring him.

After a few seconds, he groans into my back.


After ignoring him again, he huffs and rolls onto his back. I celebrate in my head. Maybe now I'll finally get some peace.

About 5 minutes or so passes by before Niall turn back onto his other side, placing his arm on around my waist. A few minutes later he pulls me closer to his body, so my butt is on his crotch. I don't think he realized what he just did.

I realized that he fell asleep, because his breathing got slower. I smile to myself. Time to be a bitch.

I shift in my spot, purposefully rubbing my ass on his crotch. I do it more slowly, until I can feel Niall stir in his sleep.

I do it one more time until Niall grabs my his and whispers into my ear "Are we really going to play this game?"

Nonchalantly I reply "Play what game?"

"Hm. So that's how we're gonna be."

Niall starts kissing behind my ear, and he knows what's my sweet spot. I refrain from moaning, not giving him that pleasure.

I roll my hips, and I can definitely feel his hard on.

All of a sudden, my phone rings and I immediately jump up to get.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey wassup hello it's me!" Jaycee says.

I laugh at the reference and sit back down on the bed. "Whatcha need?"

Niall scoots over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Oh nothing. I just wanted to know if you wanted to come over for a little bit? I actually have something to tell you."

Niall is slowly sliding his hands up my abdomen, and I try to ignore him.

"Of course dude! I'd be more than happy too!" By this time, Niall has reached my bra, and he slips his hands inside the cups. "I'll be there in like 5 minutes." I try to get out.

He chooses then to squeeze them, and I gasp. "Actually Jaycee, make that like 30 minutes."

She laughs "I knew it was coming. I'll see you later."

I hang up the phone, set it back on the table, and immediately started kissing the man I love.

*Later on that day*

*Niall POV*

It feels like forever since Bailey left. While she was gone, I decided to built something to surprise her. She's been begging me to make a blanket fort for weeks but we have never gotten around to it. Now that she was gone all day, I decided to build one I out living room so we can also watch our favorite movies.

I sigh and scroll through Twitter. I had just liked a tweet by James Bay when I heard the door unlocking. I hurry and scramble into the fort.

"Baby I'm home!" Bailey says.

"Niall where ar- what the fuck."

I poke my head out of the door. "Surprise!" I yell.

"You know how much I've wanted a blanket fort Niall James." She says with a completely serious look on her face.

"Um, yeah that's why I made one."

"I. Fucking. Love. You. So. Much."

"I know you do. Well, are you just going to stand there, or are we going to watch all of your favorite movies?"

Bailey nearly trips over me trying to get in, and I laugh.

As we're on our 3rd movie, which happens to be The Breakfast Club, I become completely engrossed in her. I'm not even paying attention to the movie anymore. I'm too fascinated by her beauty. I'm too distracted by how fucking lucky I am to have this amazing girl in my life. I honestly don't know what I would do. Even though we have our fights, I'll still love her at the end of the day.

And later on when we're done with all the movies and we're making love under the fairy lights and sheets, I know that one day, one day soon I am going to marry this princess and make her my queen.


Merry belated Christmas and Happy New Year! Happy Holidays!


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