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*Niall POV*

She runs her hands through my hair before saying "Oh baby. There will be plenty of time for that later. There's more to your present."

Bailey shoots me a wink before abruptly letting go of me and walking to the kitchen.

And she's still wearing those tight pants.

This is going to be a long night.

10 minutes later and Bailey is dragging me to the kitchen.

On the counter is a line of shots and a few other bottles of liquor.

"Okay!" Bailey says, clapping her hands. "As you all know, Niall here is turning 22 so I have 22 shots lined up. Since its his special day, he has to drink the most shots. So Niall will take one, then Louis will go next. Niall will take another one, then Harry. Niall will take the next one, and then Michael. Does that make sense? So Niall should be taking a total of 11 shots."

Everybody nods in agreement and I step towards the counter rubbing my hands together. "Well then let's get this party started."

I grab the shot and quickly drink it, waiting for my next one.


20 minutes later and we're all sitting in a circle in the living room. Everybody is slightly tipsy, with the exception of Harry, who is the most intoxicated. He's layed out across Louis lap and he keeps trying to snuggle up to him. It's kind of cute, actually. The order that we're sitting in is Louis and Harry, me, Ashton, Michael, and Bailey.

"Alright so now we're going to play a game." Louis says despite the giant man laying on him.

"It's called 'Flip, Sip, or Strip'. What you do is somebody flips a coin and calls 'heads' or 'tails' while it's in the air. If you call it correctly, then you're safe and you pass the coin to the next person. If you don't call it, then you have to take a shot of your choice of alcohol, or remove a piece of clothing. But, you cannot pick sip or strip more than two times in a row. Does anybody have any questions?"

"I have a question." Harry says

"And what's that baby?" Louis replies, looking down at him.

"Why are you so beautiful?"

Louis smiles, and I've seen him do this to Harry so many times I named it the fond smile because Louis is literally fonding over him. It's so cute.

Louis just pats Harrys face and looks back up at us.

"Well since nobody has any questions, let's get this game started. Niall! Since this wonderful party is for you, you're going to go first!"

Louis throws me a coin and I catch Bailey's eye from across the circle and I send her a wink.

I toss it up in the air, choosing heads as my guess. The coin lands on heads, and I pass it to Ashton.

"Heads!" He yells, but it lands on tails.

"Alright Ashton what are you gonna do?" Louis says.

"This time I'm going to Sip, and I'll bring everything in here while I'm at it." He stands up and goes to the kitchen, grabbing all the necessary items, and comes back. He takes his shot of liquor and passes the coin to Michael.

Michael flips the coin and calls out tails. He gets it right and fist pumps in victory, and hands the coin to Bailey.

Bailey tosses the coin in the air and calls out heads, but it lands on tails.

"I'll take a sip." She says and Ashton passes her her favorite alcohol, Malibu. She shoots him a smile and takes a shot before setting her glass down.

Louis takes the coin from her and flips it, and gets it wrong.

"Since ya'll are not any fun, I'm going to take my shirt off."

Louis slips his shirt off and throws it to Harry, who moved to the couch.

"Alright Nialler, your turn again!" Louis hands me the coin and I end up guessing right again.

Both Michael and Ashton get theirs wrong, and they both decide to take a shot.

On Bailey's turn, she gets it wrong. She goes to reach for a bottle but Louis stops her. "No way, Jose. That's against the rules. Ashton and Mikes both chose shot, so now you have to strip."

Bailey rolls her eyes and sets the bottle back. I notice that she's not wearing something small- like a rubber band or socks or something. Just great. I'm going to get a boner in front of everybody because I'm positive she's still wearing her black lace bra from this morning.

Bailey sends me a smirk and pulls her shirt off with ease. Yep, I was right. She still is wearing her black lace bra. She sets her shirt in front of her and hands the coin to Louis.

I put my head in my hands and slowly shake it. This can't be happening. Why did we have to play this game and why did she have to strip?

I look up at her through my fingers and she catches my eye. She winks and rolls her tounge over her lip ring before biting her lip. Damn this woman is going to be the death of me.

For some reason, I glance over at Michael. I just caught him doing the wrong thing. He was staring at Bailey, and the only thing I could describe the look in his eyes was lust. He was eying her up and down, lingering on her chest.

Hell. Fucking. No.

I don't think he knows me. I can literally beat his ass before he can comprehend what's happening to him.

"Niall!" Louis says, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah?" I say, still looking at Michael.

"It's your turn mate."

"Oh. Okay." I take the coin from his hand and toss it in the air.

I get it wrong, and I decide to take a shot. I fill the glass up to the brim and down it really quickly, ignoring the bitter taste.

I can't help but watch Michael now, I'm not even paying attention to the game anymore. When it's Michaels turn, he has to strip, and what pissed me off is that he chooses his shirt. The dude is wearing socks.

When it's Bailey's turn, she has to take a shot. Michael damn near knocks over the bottle of Malibu trying to get it for her.

Anger flashes through me, and my hands start to shake. I have to leave before I loose my shit.

"I'll be back" I murmur before heading to my bedroom.

I don't know what crawled up Michael's ass, but it needs to leave. Now. Because he's literally being a dick. I don't know if it's just because he's intoxicated, or if he's trying to get into a fight.

I punch one of the pillows on my bed, groaning out in frustration. I run my hands through my hair and take a deep breath. I notice what's on the bed, and I groan again.

It's a Victorias Secret bag. A big one. Which means there are many things inside.

Resisting the urge to look, I stomp out of the room and back to the living room.

The first thing I noticed was that Michael and Bailey aren't in the circle anymore.

Nervousness stabs my stomach as my mind fills with images I don't want to think about.

"She's in the kitchen." Ashton says.

I send him a nod and walk my way towards the kitchen.

Shock and fury flash through me at the same time when I turned the corner.


Well well well.

Jealous punk Niall is my fav *heart eye emoji*


Skool rlly sux. I h8 it vvvv much

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