Blue Lock

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This is ridiculous... I should be in an escape room or something jumpscaring people with this so-called horrifying 'disguise' of mine.

You stared at yourself in the mirror in absolute terror and horror. More specifically, at your so-called 'disguise.'

This looks so stupid... Maybe I should've asked for help... I might as well shave my entire head off or do something stupid. At least that would look much more inconspicuous than this stupid disguise.

You attempted to style your hair rather than wearing an annoying wig. You never had experience styling hair so you pulled up a tutorial on your phone and tried to follow it, only to fail miserably as the tutorial was going too fast and it was confusing.

It's too early for Halloween...

You tried to fix it, also to only fail miserably. 

Whatever, as long as this hairstyle gets the job done. 

You grabbed your phone which was lying close to your desk. You unlocked your phone and immediately dialled someone on Facetime and almost instantaneously; the person picked up.

"Hell- You're not (Y/N)... Who the fuck and what have you done to my sister!?" The man placed his phone closer to his face as he observed your 'new' style. "Answer me! Who the fuck are you!?"

"It's me..." You sighed exasperatedly, staring at his horrified expression. His skin was pale white, almost as if he had seen a ghost. He even grabbed his glasses to take a closer look, blinking repeatedly at you. 

"Holy shit... Wait, what!?" He screamed in absolute terror, eyes widening and placing a hand over his mouth. "What did you do!?"

"Got me a little makeover for a certain infiltration," You answered casually, attempting to imitate a masculine voice. "No, but seriously... I know I look terrible. Thank fuck I was born a female."

"No shit. You would have no game and no girls," He snickered, placing his phone further away from his face, giving it distance. "But seriously, I did not recognise you at all. You scared the living daylights out of me for a second... You look ridiculous."

"I'm aware of that," You responded. "I only called you to see if I could pass being a male."

"Well... You do look convincingly like a male... Probably pass as a twink, femboy or someone who just looks like a female," He sweat dropped. "But more importantly, why?"

You sighed, "Long story short, I'm infiltrating a project involving 300 strikers who are 18 and under and I've been tasked to evaluate them."

"Holy shit..." He gasped in surprise. "Well... Good luck... But, I thought you didn't like football? You quit ages ago. So what the fuck did I miss out on?"

"Seeing the JFA treat young talents pathetically and not doing their job. I just want to give this project a chance," You responded. "I'm sure PIFA would've done the same too."

"Out of your own free will, huh?" He replied. "That's a rare sight. Finally caught an interest in something?"

"Not necessarily," You responded.

"Ah...Well, good luck," He replied. "Well, I should probably go now... Keep me updated!"

"Well thanks," You responded. "Good night and sorry to bother you."

"Nah, you're all fine. I was just surprised that you called me." He responded. "Also, if any hormonal teens or anyone are bothering you, let me know and I'll beat their ass. I can't have people hitting on my younger sister this early on in life."

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