Chapter 1 {The Strongest Survive}

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Death... something Young Blake has always seen since being a little kid... many years ago, his parents were murdered by a Mage of "Basilisc Eye" guild... An Assassin guild with their strict Rules of Betrayal... once you've abandoned them... you would have to watch out for yourself at all times... Since Nobody... Betrays the Assassins...

Young Blake seeing the death of his parents passed out right in front of the Assassin... The killer then looked at him with Pity... and decided to take him in... Just because he was an assassin... He wasn't Heartless...

The Mage has then returned to his guild with the boy in his arms... As he told his master that this one will be under his care now...

While hesitant at first, Master Baryon has allowed his best Assassin to take him... under the condition that Blake will also be an Assassin of the Basilisc Eye...

The killer accepted the condition as he then took Blake to his house... and once the Child awakened... his harsh training has begun...

He was met with a Metal Chain on the ground and a tall Man standing in front of him...
"Get up kid. Its time to begin your training."

"H-huh? What's going on? Who are you?! Where am I?!"
Young Blake's eyes then begin to be filled with tears as Not only was he somewhere unkown to him... but he was also intimidated by the man in front of him...

He was then met with a kick to the Gut as the Man was forced to repeat himself...
"Its time for your assassin training Damn it! So hurry up if you don't want to die! I... Darius will be your Master... but if you fail me. You will die on the spot."

Blake still hurt from the kick the slowly got up and picked up the chain... while still confused on the situation... He was smart enough to understand the situation...

"Good! Remember. Only the Strongest in this World survive! So you either become the strongest Or die! Got it?"

Blake nodded without saying a word as he then started to swing the chain at Darius who grabbed it, pulled it along with the Child and punched him in the face...

Darius simply said that he will get rid of him if he continues to swing mindlessly and that he'd better learn fast...

And so the years went by... Blake was fighting to Survive every day for years... He has learned the Requip magic which allowed him to change between infinite number of different chains with other elements and abilities... One of the greatest Magics an assassin can have...

At the Age of 10. He has became a member of the Basilisc Eye... and as even more years went by he became one of the strongest and most effective in the guild...

Year 784...

Blake Chainarrow... now an 18 year Old adult has recieved a mission... Get rid of Titania of Fairy Tail... a tough task and he knew it...

But with his experiance he was confident he would win... even though he still hated the idea of killing... He didn't know what else he could do... He hated Basilisc guild and its members but once he will betray them... He will die... so he simply followed orders for now...

He has then made his Way to the place Titania is supposed to be... she was on a Solo mission in the woods... Perfect. Nobody would interrupt Blake as he murders the wizard...

He's attempted a sneak attack however Erza managed to sense the magical energy coming her way in great speed and deflect the attack... which turned out to be a black chain which then vanished within the Shadows...

Erza looked around as she didn't know from where the next attack will come...
Blake then requiped his chain into a lightning one as he attempted to shock erza if she manages to deflect his attack again...

He then sent his chain straight Scorpion style at her again... and once again she deflected... but this time getting Zapped in the process however she held on and used her own Requip to transform into her Lightning Empress armor...

Blake cursed under his breath as Titania was making things complicated... He then gave up on trying to be sneaky and confronted Erza head on...

"As expected of the great Titania... you are a formidable opponent..."

"And who are you? What's your goal?"

"Me? I'm but a mere assassin hired to get rid of you... now let's see... who's a better user of the Requip magic..."

Blake then equiped a different chain in place of his lightning one... a Blade chain and swung the blade in Erza's direction which she deflected with her lightning spear. The chain however grabbed the spear allowing Blake to pull the weapon out of Erza's hands...

He the launched a spear chain from his other hand which would have pierced erza's stomach if she didn't equip her shield armor on and broke the chain...

The Assassin then seeing this changed his blade chain into a flame chain as he then began to spin it around...

"Infernal Prison!" Blake yelled while trapping erza in a fire prison... not for long as she then swapped into her fire express armor and slashed through the fire...

Erza then requiped again changing into the moonlight armor and launching herself at Blake... stopping her sword inches from his Throat...

"Tch... fine..." Blake's chain then vanished and he lifted his Hands up...

"You win... now kill me... you'll be doing me a favor..." Blake said with a defeated tone...

Erza however removed her blade from his throat and said she will not kill him... which shocked the Assassin... who urged her to kill him...

"Why would you want to die?" She asked...

As Blake then explained his Guild's Policy and that if he Fails... his master will kill him regardless... and he would rather dying from the hands of a warrior than his master...

Erza hearing this told him that he doesn't have to follow them... He can choose his own path no matter who he is...

Blake was shocked by her words as he has finally made up his mind after years... He will leave Basilisc Eyes... and start over...

He thanks Erza as they then split up going their own ways... while in the shadows... a Dark figure was listening to all of this...

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: 14 hours ago ⏰

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