❄️Chapter 10❄️

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(Kira's P.O.V.)

September 2018. A month has passed since my last encounter with Gojo and the others. With no work scheduled for today, I decided to enjoy a quiet morning at home.

After taking a long bath and having breakfast, I settled into the living room, relishing the peacefulness. I grabbed the remote, sank into the couch, and flicked on the TV, prepared to relax.

Just as I was about to switch channels, a breaking news report flashed across the screen.

"Good morning, viewers. We have a sudden report from Kanagawa Prefecture. In Kawasaki City, at Kinema Cinema, an employee made a horrific discovery after a late screening ended." The anchor's tone was tense, and I sat up, something cold curling in my stomach.

"The bodies of three high school boys were found brutally mangled." She paused, then continued, "Cause of death: severe cranial deformation due to intense intracranial pressure, resulting in respiratory paralysis."

My eyes widened as the news replayed the gruesome details. I know this scene. I know exactly who's behind this.

A sickening dread washed over me, and I clamped a hand over my mouth, racing to the kitchen sink. My stomach churned as if the horror I'd just heard was unfolding right in front of me.

Leaning over the sink, I took a shaky breath, wiping my mouth as I forced myself to stay calm. This means that the moment when Mahito meets Nanami and Itadori is coming. And that boy...

I sighed, bracing my hands on the counter, wrestling with my own thoughts.

"What should I do?" I murmured aloud, feeling the weight of the decision pressing down on me. "Can I really just ignore what's coming? It will happen anyway... maybe I shouldn't interfere." But even as I said it, the words felt hollow.

I quickly changed into a fresh set of clothes, fixed my hair, and grabbed my shoulder bag. Locking up my apartment, I headed down the stairs and hailed a taxi.

"To Kinema Cinema, please," I said, settling into the backseat.

The driver glanced at me in the rearview mirror, a hint of concern in his eyes. "That area's restricted after what happened. You saw the news, right?"

I nodded, forcing a casual tone. "I did. But don't worry, I'm just meeting someone nearby for research on urban crime stories." He seemed to buy it, and with a shrug, he pressed down on the gas.

A short ride later, we pulled up outside the cinema. I paid him and stepped out, standing before the ominous building.

"I must be insane," I muttered to myself. "I could be anywhere right now—relaxing, enjoying my day off—but instead, here I am at the site of a murder." Steeling myself, I exhaled, pushing back the unease tightening in my chest.

The front entrance was heavily guarded, but to my relief, the police didn't notice me at all, allowing me to slip inside without issue.

I quietly slipped into the cinema, moving through the darkened halls. The air felt heavy, almost suffocating, as though the lingering energy of what had happened still hung in the atmosphere. Every creak of the floor and flicker of shadows put me on edge, reminding me of what I'd seen on the news only moments before.

"Can you see it? These are remnants of cursed energy."

A familiar voice echoed down the hall. I quickly ducked around the corner and took a peek, heart pounding.

Kento Nanami and Itadori Yuji stood there in the hall, assessing the scene. I couldn't help but stare at Nanami for a moment, taking in his tall, solid frame and that impeccably tailored suit.

Damn, I thought, admiring the sheer strength his presence commanded. How does he make a suit look like it's molded to his muscles? And those broad shoulders...

I shook myself out of my thoughts, refocusing on the task. Stay focused, Kira.

"Hm?" Nanami turned his head in my direction.

Panic surged through me, and I quickly ducked back around the corner. Did he see me? I held my breath, praying he hadn't. My presence shouldn't be sensed so easily—if Gojo had to double-check whenever I was nearby, surely Nanami wouldn't notice me.

"Nanami-san?" Yuji's voice broke the silence.

"...Nothing," Nanami replied, shaking off whatever had caught his attention. He began explaining to Yuji about the remnants of cursed energy, his voice steady and authoritative. They both moved toward the exit, turning right down another corridor.

With my heart racing, I carefully followed them, casting one last glance at the scene of horror behind me. The sight of the murder scene, with its bloodstained seats and police tape, felt like a weight on my conscience. I couldn't let myself be distracted; I had to stay focused on them and not let my gaze linger on the gruesome aftermath.

Just keep it together, I told myself, silently cursing the curiosity that pulled me into this mess in the first place.

The two climb the stairs, and I quietly follow suit, taking each step with careful silence.

"Nothing appeared on the surveillance camera, right?" Yuji asks.

"Yes. Apart from the victims, there was only one boy," Nanami replies.

"So the culprit is a cursed spirit?"

"Well, that's right."

They step onto the rooftop, opening their umbrellas as the rain pours steadily outside. I press myself against the doorway, watching from my hiding spot.

"It's not impossible that the boy did it, but identifying that boy is the police's job," Nanami begins, but then I sense it too—a cursed spirit nearby. I turn and see it: a grotesque figure with long, black hair muttering something about bento.

I gulp, feeling a mix of nervousness... and thrill. This is Nanami's fight scene, right before my eyes!

Nanami calmly explains his technique as he dodges the spirit's strikes, his focus unwavering.

"Are you listening, Itadori-kun?" he asks, sidestepping a blow.

"Ah?! You were talking to me?" Yuji blurts out, but before he can recover, the cursed spirit lands a hit, sending him sprawling into a nearby homerun circle.


My legs tense, ready to leap out, but I freeze. Not yet. Don't interfere.

Then Nanami raises his weapon, energy radiating as he zeroes in on the curse. Just as it lunges, he strikes with calculated precision, slicing its limbs cleanly. He adjusts his glasses, unfazed. He's so cool!

I can't help myself; I take out my phone and snap a picture. A huge grin spreads across my face. Nanami Kento—one of my favorite characters, live in action!

After Nanami's display, Yuji leaps forward to try his Divergent Fist technique, knocking the curse back. I nearly clap in excitement, but it's not the time for that. Control yourself.

The curse, though limbless, continues to squirm and move.

Nanami readies his weapon. "Pardon me. I'll deliver my final—" He pauses, his expression changing as he realizes something.

I glance away, my heart sinking. These curses... they were once human. They'll confirm that soon enough, after they contact Shoko.

With a sigh, I decide it's time to leave. I need to be ready for tomorrow. I can't relax knowing what's going to happen. I turn, hurrying down the stairs, forgetting to keep quiet.

Nanami glances at the door. "...Someone was here besides me and Yuji. Who was it?" He narrows his eyes thoughtfully. "There was no ill intent... only curiosity."

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