❄️Chapter 12❄️

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Junpei's mother stirred from her sleep.

"Hm?" She stretched her arms, glancing around the room. "I wonder if Yuji-kun and Asami-chan went home."

Her gaze fell on a strange object on the table. She picked it up, examining it closely. "...A finger?"

A curse spirit loomed behind her, preparing to attack. Just then, a shadowy figure appeared and grabbed her arm, pulling her to the ground.

"Asami-chan?!" she gasped, bewildered.

"I'm sorry, Nagi-san, but I'll explain later!" Kira said urgently, helping her up. She quickly led Junpei's mom to his room, shutting the door behind them.

Junpei jolted awake, blinking in confusion. "W-what's happening?"

"Yoshino! Grab your mom and get out through the window!" Kira urged, gently pushing his mom toward him. Junpei caught her, his expression alarmed.

With a crash, the door splintered open as the curse slithered in, drooling hungrily.

What now? This is what I get for acting without a plan!

Kira turned to the two of them. "Why are you still here?!"

"We can't leave you behind!" Nagi insisted, her voice trembling.

"I-I can help—" Junpei started, but Kira cut him off, her gaze sharp.

"Don't even think about it, Yoshino. For your sake, it's better you don't use what that psycho taught you," she said firmly, glancing back at him.

"H-how did you—look out!" Junpei shouted, alarmed.

Kira spun around just as the curse lunged, dodging it at the last second.

*This is getting too dangerous!*

As the curse prepared to strike again, the room's window shattered, and a stone flew in, hitting the curse squarely and forcing it to retreat.

Yuji appeared, stepping through the window with a determined look. "I knew you were up to something when you said goodbye earlier. I always follow my gut."

"Y-Yuji? What are you—?" Asami's eyes widened in surprise.

Yuji simply readied his fists. Moments later, the curse was defeated.

Asami sank slowly onto the floor, exhaling deeply. A wave of relief washed over her as she glanced toward Junpei and his mom.

I'm just glad they're safe. She's safe.

The three gathered in the living room. Yuji now held Sukuna's finger in his pocket, keeping it secure.

"W-what was that?!" Junpei's mother stammered, bewildered by the night's events.

"M-Mom..." Junpei tried to explain, but the words stuck in his throat.

Asami sat beside her and gently patted her back. "Nagi-san, you've been through a lot. It's best to get some rest and try to think of this as a bad dream," she soothed.

Junpei's mother slumped over, falling asleep on his shoulder almost instantly.

"Huh? M-Mom?" Junpei looked at her in surprise, noting her sudden sleep. "What just...?"

Asami blinked, a bit taken aback. Crap, I didn't mean to! I keep forgetting about this strange ability...

She sighed, leaning back against the couch, lost in thought.

"Asami-san," Yuji approached her with a serious expression. "How did you know something was going to happen here?"

She looked at him, grappling with the right response. She couldn't exactly reveal that their lives and destinies were penned by a human author in another world. How could I even begin to explain?

"Yuji, there are some things that are better left unsaid. For now, please don't ask," she replied gently.

Yuji felt the usual compulsion to obey. He wanted to press further, but all that came out was, "Alright, I won't."

"Please... tell me what's going on," Junpei asked, his voice breaking the tense silence.

After casting the veil over Yoshino's school, Mahito glanced at Geto, irritation flashing in his eyes.

"Hey, one of my plans just fell apart," Mahito muttered, frowning.

Geto raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, failed?"

"Yoshino's mother survived. I was planning for a curse to finish her off, to push Yoshino into despair and fill his heart with anger. But it didn't work—someone interfered," Mahito replied with a scowl.

"Was it Yuji?" Geto asked, studying Mahito carefully.

"Yeah... But he wasn't the first one there," Mahito admitted, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. "There was someone else. I don't know who, but if I did, I'd kill them without a second thought. How dare they disrupt my fun."

Geto's expression remained unreadable as he processed this. An unknown player, slipping under the radar. But who could it possibly be?

(No one P. O. V.)

Yoshino looked around at the students scattered across the ground, his fists clenched tightly.


"Yoshino-kun," Yoshino stopped in his tracks as Asami approached him on his way to school. "Listen to me," she said, her expression serious.

Yoshino nodded, taken aback by the intensity in her gaze.

"You need to meet Mahito's expectations," she said firmly.

His eyes widened. How does she know about him? And... how does she know about...

"I know you have questions, but now isn't the time," Asami continued quickly. "Once Mahito casts the veil over your school, you have to use your cursed technique. Pick someone who despises you or even someone who's wealthy and careless."

Yoshino swallowed hard, trying to process her words. What is she? How does she know all this?

"You'll need to let your anger fuel you in front of them, Yoshino. This is about your mom—use the fury from how they've wronged her, even if they haven't exactly hurt her. Yuji doesn't know about any of this, so you'll have to go through with it to draw Mahito's attention."

"But... hurting them like that..."

"Don't worry. I'll make sure they're unharmed in the end," she said softly, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Trust me."

Flashback ends

With a sigh, Yoshino steeled himself and followed her plan. He struck a student with all the anger he'd stored up, feeling a grim satisfaction as he unleashed his long-held frustration.

Moments later, Yuji stepped in to stop him, and Yoshino's emotions spilled over. Rage, resentment, sadness—he let it all out.

"Junpei... come to Jujutsu High, will ya?" Yuji pleaded, reaching out to him. "We've got teachers who are insanely strong and friends who've got your back. Together, we'll find the guy who cursed your mom, and I swear I'll make him pay. So, come on... let's fight this together!" Yuji's voice rang with conviction.

Mahito observed from a distance, grinning as his scheme seemed to unfold. Unbeknownst to him, Kira watched silently from the shadows, waiting for her moment.

I must be out of my mind to involve myself in this, she thought, but she held her ground.

I Got Isekai In Jujutsu Kaisen!!!(Gojo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now