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Thank you all for reading to capture a heart, I understand it was a sad ending in multiple forms. I apologise for Vivian's death alongside her daughters. Also how Lorenzo is now lonely.

Thank you all for being with me on this journey, i appreciate every single comment, votes and positive words. You guys motivate me to write everyday

I hope you all enjoyed this book and it will be edited :). If you spot any leave it in the comments I am happy to see criticism.

if you guys would like an alternative ending let me know so i can give you guys one. There also may be a book 2....

make sure to follow Vivian and Lorenzo's IG: vivianriver.xo // L0renzzorusso

Thank you all for 10k readers feels SURREAL. I cannot believe it. I love u all so much <3

I love you all so much,

with a heavy heart this is the end of;

~ T o c a p t u r e a h e a r t

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