Just You Wait

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It's another school day. You walked to the school lifelessly early in the morning. You hated school just like you hated every single person in it. Your mind and soul were exhausted with the act you put in front of everybody. But you have to suck it up for the sake of being accepted by the society. Your heart is screaming for company. You really wanted to have friends. You're so desperate that a simple conversation with someone can make you the happiest girl alive. So you decided to be a smart student so that people will talk to you when they need you. And that's all that they do.

During lunch, you took your lunchboxes to the usual place, a gazebo near the school field. Some boys were playing soccer at the field but there's no one at the gazebo. Staring toward the two lunchboxes made by yourself, you started to feel melancholic. Every day, you'll bring two lunch so that you can eat with someone else other than yourself. Sadly, one of them will end up being fed to the cats.

As you're busy digging into your food, two male students walked past the gazebo and one of them caught sight of you.

"Shin-chan, look! It's the girl from yesterday. Let's go and greet her." The raven-haired man pulled his friend toward where you're sitting. "Hello, miss. Mind if we join you?"

You was jerked when you saw the two of them. Your brain suddenly playback the scene from yesterday which you almost forgot. You were terrified of the thought if they tell anybody about it. 'Maybe if I treat them nicely they'll forget about it.'

You looked at the man you slapped yesterday. His cheek has a faint print of red, must be from your hand. That man was holding a miniature statue of Liberty on his right hand while his eyes were fixed to his phone.

"Not at all. Please, have a sit." You faked your most sincere smile to them. The man snapped into reality when he heard your voice. He was shocked and at the same time scared at seeing you.

"You're the rude girl from yesterday! Takao, let's get out of here. I don't want to get bad luck from her."

A nerve popped up on your head by his word. You feel like slapping his face once again but looking at his polite and kind friend made you hold it back.

"That's rude, Shin-chan. I'm sorry, miss. My friend here has his screw loose in his head. Oh yes, we didn't get to know each other's name yet. I'm Takao and this is Shin-chan. We're sorry about yesterday. Shin-chan, apologise to her right now!"

"No way! She's the one at fault. And stop calling me Shin-chan." He turned his head away from you. Midorima Shintarou. You had heard about him before. He is the famous three-pointer of Shutoku basketball team.

'Just you wait you idiot. I'll make your life a living hell.' "I'm [Full name]. It's me who should apologised. I wasn't thinking right yesterday. Please accept this as my apologise." You handed Takao the lunchbox that you didn't touch yet.

It didn't take long before you and Takao to become friendly as he is a lively person. You were nervous at first because it's the first time you talked to a man but his friendly nature made you feel comfortable. Midorima at the other hand just stayed there silently.

"What's your horoscope sign?" He spoke finally but without looking at you.

"I'm [horoscope]."

"Cancer and [horoscope] are not compatible so you better stay away from me."

'Heh. Don't bother to ask me that.' "I get it." You said as you act disappointed.

"Why are you so rude Shin-chan? [L/name]-san, would you mind if we join you tomorrow also? Your cooking is very delicious."

"I don't mind at all. I'm glad that you like it. I can make it for you every day if you want."

"Woa! That's awesome. Did you hear that, Shin-chan?"

"I'm not interested at all." Midorima said as stand to leave the place. Takao thanked you before he catch up with him.

In your mind, you're busy planning a scheme on how to make that guy suffer his life in this school.


I do not own the picture. Or Midorima. Or Takao.

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