My Doctor

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It's a breezy early twilight with crimson red spilling over the canvas of the sky. The sun was on its way to hide beneath the horizon. Birds were flying back to their nest to take a rest after another day of surviving the mean world. Little children were running back toward their home after having fun at the field. Streetlight started to light up to fight the darkness that will consume the surrounding.

Everything is just the same day after day apart from the sight of a couple of teenagers in front of somebody's house. The passing by children looked weirdly toward the teenagers.

"Weird people!" They shouted to the tall man before running away.

The green head was taken aback by the children's rude attitude. It wasn't his intention to be in the awkward situation. He couldn't do anything about it. He's been trying to wake up the girl on his back for several times but it was no to avail.

"[F/name], wake up! How long are you going to sleep on my shoulder? You're not getting any lighter, nanodayo."

Still no respond. Midorima started to worry. Did she passed out? Is she dead? Thought like that crept into his mind. He knows he must do something. There's only one way left and it have to work.

Midorima turned his head toward the sleeping girl and stared a hole into her face. His heart was throbbing as he about to make his move. He leaned closer to her and pressed his lips against her cheek. He pulled off when he felt a slight movement from the girl.


She rubbed her eyes and looked at the blushing man. "Holy shit! I fell asleep! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! What were you saying again? The lethal allele thing. I didn't hear it."

"Google it yourself. Now push that bell, would you? I couldn't reach it with my hands like this, nanodayo." Midorima turned his head away to avoid his face from being seen by you.

"Are you mad at me? I apologised already. Isn't it enough?" You uttered as you pushed the button. Midorima was going to reply to you but your mother appeared from behind the door just in time to save you from getting into a fight with him.

"[F/name]-chan! What happened to you?? Are you hurt?" Your mother asked anxiously.

After a short session of interrogation, she let you in. Midorima put you down onto the couch and helped to put the ointment and bandaged your ankle. You were screaming hysterically out of pain throughout the process.

"Can you be gentler, Shintarou-kun? You're hurting me!"

Thanks to your mother for being there all the time or you'll be pouring tons of curses to the handsome doctor-to-be.

"Oh, so this is Midorima Shintarou?" The lady finally acknowledged his name after you shouted it out loud. She forgot to ask him earlier after looking at your condition. "[F/name]-chan always tells me about you."

Midorima's hands paused from for a slight second. 'What did she told about me to her mother?'

"And the other guy. What's his name? Takao Kazu.. Kazuni-" She hesitated.

"Takao Kazunari, mom."

"Ah yes, Kazunari. She told me that you guys had been so nice to her. That's why everyday she wakes up as early as dawn to make your lunch. She'll sings your names as she puts in the ingredients like some kind of spells. It is so funny. I'll record it and show it to you one day."

"Mom! You don't need to tell him about that! It's embarrassing!"

"I would love to see it, Mrs [L/name]." Midorima answered politey but he's mind was saying something else. 'I'll pay for it no matter how much it cost.'

"We'll talk about that later, okay? Now, why don't you join us for dinner? [F/name]-chan's father is coming home late today. It will be lonely to just eat with two people."

Midorima agreed. Then, your mother went to prepare dinner. The dinner went on smoothly and he excused himself to leave not long after that.

Midorima was at the front door and just about to step out when suddenly you came limping toward him as you called out his name.


"Why are you running like that? Stay quietly on the couch. You'll hurt your ankle again, nanodayo."

"This." You showed him the basketball.

"Just keep it, nanodayo. I have plenty of it at my home." He turned to leave.


"What else do you want?"

You raised your hand toward his head. "Your hair. I want to play with them for one last time for today."

Midorima was pissed off by hearing your request. "What's wrong with your brain? My hair is not a toy, nanodayo."


Midorima heaved a sigh. He knows he couldn't refuse when you use that puppy eyes. "This is the last time I'll let you touch them." He lowered his head to your level so that you can reach it.

You chirped as he followed your order. It didn't take long before you made your way through his messed hair.

"You are so kind, Shintarou-kun. I couldn't thank you enough for everything that you did for me today."

"It's not that I wanted to help you or what. I just did what I feel like doing, nanodayo."

"You're such a tsundere, you know?"

"I'm not. Enough messing with my hair, nanodayo. I'm leaving." Midorima breaks free from your grip and left with a faint shade of pink on his cheeks.

You stared at the door with a smile on your face. He's just too cute when he's blushing that you feel like cuddling him like a teddy bear. A giant, green, bespectacled teddy bear.

'What is this strange feeling inside my chest? Is it normal to feel like this towards a friend?'

The telephone rang suddenly and snapped you back into reality. Then, you remembered something important. You promised Takao to go out with him tomorrow to make up for today. But in the situation you're in right now, it will be impossible to fulfil the promise. 'I must tell Takao what happened. I hope he didn't get angry at me.'


Sorry for the late update. I was busy with the preparation to college and stuff. I'm also dealing with my own love problem that made me stopped thinking about Shin-chan. I'm going to tell you what happened.

The story goes like this. Last week, when I was at the cyber café updating the 'Dominant or Recessive' chapter, I ran into my long gone crush. He was actually just beside me, with just a few tables between us. I haven't seen him for the past three years. Yes. Three. Freaking. Years. I didn't realized it was him at first but then he greeted me cheerfully like nothing had happened. I was so shocked that I froze for a while. My brain was thinking what I should do in that kind of situation. I'm fully aware that I will meet him again one day but I wasn't prepared for it. In the end I just smiled back at him and looked away. I swear, it couldn't be more awkward than that.

Then, his birthday came and I didn't wished him. He still wished for my birthday last time even though we haven't contacted each other for the past three years. I felt so bad about it. Then, when I was browsing through my Whatsapp contact list I found that his name disappeared from it. I always stalk his Whatsapp profile before so I know that he had just deleted his account. I keep asking myself whether it was my fault that he did that. And I haven't met him yet after that very day. I don't know what to think or do. So I came to the solution that I will just let it go... I'm too lazy to think about my own feeling. So yeah.. That's the end of my not so romantic puppy love story. So now I can concentrate back to my Shin-chan. He will never disappoint me. ;D

Thanks for reading this whole shit. I have no idea what I'm mumbling about.


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