I Hate Carrot More Than Frog

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After having a terrible sleep last night, you went to school today with one definite reason: REVENGE!! You are ready for any attack and struggle only if you're not looking like the undead. You were up all night writing some kind of to-do list for the payback plan after having a nightmare about a giant bespectacled green frog running after you. Most of the items in the list are 'stab him with a knife', 'gauge his eyeballs', 'hit him with a train' and stuff like that. 

As your mind were wandering off looking at the dark cloud outside, a girl approached your desk.

"[L/name]-san, I really need your help. I have no idea what to do with the Math assignment that Karasuma-sensei gave us. I didn't understand what he said at all. And he want it tomorrow. Can you please do it for me?"

"I'm sorry, Kaname-san. I really want to help you but I'm kind of busy with my own work. The others also asked me to help them but I have to turn them down because of that. I'm very sorry."

"I thought we were friends."

You were taken aback with her words. Friends. Finally, after hundred and twenty eight years a girl said she was your friend. You're unutterably happy without a doubt. There's no way you can turn her down.

"Fine. I'll do it." You said with a smile.

"Thank you so much, [L/name]-san. I ] know I can count on you." And she left.

Lunch break came and it's time for a date with your archenemy and his bestfriend. It's raining outside but you still insisted to go to the gazebo. You were wet and cold but you still wait for them patiently. Not long after that, Takao showed up alone.

"I knew you'll be here. Why did you come here too when it's raining this heavy?"

"I promised to cook for you everyday. I'll feel guilty if I make you wait. I know you'll come."

"[L/name]-san.." Takao was astonished by your word. He approached you and gave you his coat. "Put it on. You must be cold."

"Thanks Takao-kun. Where's Midorima-kun?"

"He ran away when I mentioned your name. I don't know what had gotten into him."

"What a waste. I tried a new recipe today." You looked at the lunchbox that was supposed to be eaten by Midorima with disappointment.

"Don't worry. I'll eat his part." Takao reached for Midorima's lunch. He didn't know that the food contain something lethal to human being.

"Don't! I need you to stay alive." You shouted and quickly take it from him just before he open it.

"Why is that?" He asked confusedly.

"Nothing, nothing." You shoved it into your bag. It must be disposed in a right way after this.

The two of you enjoyed your lunch happily. Takao couldn't stop from praising how delicious and wonderful your cooking is. He is such a kind man. You admired his nature. He must has a lot of friends, you thought. Starting from that moment, you decided to make him your role model.

"[L/name]-san, come watch our game after school today. We'll fight a strong team today. But we'll win for sure."

"Will Midorima-kun be there?"

Takao was disappointed by your respond but you're to blind to see. "Of course he will. He's our point guard."

'Great! Fate will unite us. And I will unite him with my fist.' 

"I'll be there. I'll cheer for you, Takao-kun."

After thanking you for the meal and bid goodbye, both of you parted ways and returned to your respective classes. You were smiling all the way to your class as you were anticipating for this afternoon.

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