This Means War!

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"[L/name]-san, there's someone for you outside." A petite girl called out during recess. Everybody in the class was staring at you. It's unusual for someone to look for you besides teachers. You became nervous out of sudden.

You peeked from your seat and saw a raven-haired male at the door. That means the other guy must be here too. You swallowed the imaginary lump in your throat and walked toward the door slowly.

"[L/name]-san!" Takao greeted you cheerfully as he saw you.

You looked around and saw no sign of the megane. 'Phew! What a relief.' "What are you doing here, Takao-kun?"

"I want to help you bring the stuff for lunch. It's so inconsiderate to let you bring the heavy stuffs by yourself."

"I don't mind at all. They're not that heavy though." Obviously you're lying. You're almost dragging the bag on the floor all the way to the gazebo every single day.

"Enough talking. Just give them to me or I'll never eat with you anymore."

"Fine. Wait a sec." You returned to your seat and took the bag full of food to Takao. "Let's bring it together. You hold one handle and I'll take the other one, okay?"

"You're so stubborn, you know?" Takao heaved a sigh.

You just smiled to him as a reply and he smiled back. Not long after that, both of you reached the spot. Midorima was there, waiting for you. You set up the food and started to eat.

"[L/name]-san, do you want to know a secret?" Takao whispered with a voice loud enough to be called as a shout to your ears.

"What's it?"

"Shin-chan didn't bring his lucky item along with him since yesterday. I suspect there's something wrong with him." He glanced to Midorima. You looked around the annoyed man to search for any weird looking object but couldn't find anything.

"You're right, Takao-kun! No wonder I didn't see anything weird since yesterday. That's a healthy development for you, Midorima-kun. I know you can survive without them. You're doing great! Keep it up!" You gave two thumbs up to Midorima as you blinked towards him.

"Shut up. I didn't do it because of you. I just couldn't find the talking llama plushie at the department store this morning, nanodayo." Midorima pushed his glasses up to hide the blush on his face.

"Ya, right." You grinned to him with a feeling of victory.

You didn't realized that at the end of the table Takao was staring at you and Midorima with disbelieve. He was shocked to discover that it was you who changed Midorima. More by knowing that Midorima likes you. But Takao just acted normal and continues with his cheerful act throughout the lunch.

After finishing the food, you packed the container back into the bag and ready to return to the class. Then, Takao offered to bring it for you. You were hesitated to give it to him because you don't want him to come to your class again after what happened with Midorima last time. Suddenly Midorima snatched the bag from your hands.

"Shin-chan, give the bag to me! I'm the one who asked her first."

"You helped her to bring it here. Now it's my turn."

"Give it to me or I'll tell her one of your embarrassing story."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Stop it, you guys! If you're going to quarrel like this then I'll bring it myself. I never asked for your help to start with."

"Fine. We'll carry it together." Both of them exchanged death glares to each other. Each one of them took a handle and lift it up together.

You giggled by looking at them. "You guys look cute."

Midorima was blushed by your compliment while Takao pouted as he mumbled. "You're the one who's cute, not us."

The three of you walked along the corridor until you're one class away from your class.

"Okay, my minions. You must stop here. This is the boundary to our world. You're not allowed to enter this area unless I give you permission. Keep that in mind." You snatched the bag from their hands.

"Why?? Why did the world separates us? Who's responsible for this?" Takao played along with the silly drama you put.

"It's my father, the King's order. I have to go now, brave knights. Thanks for your help. Until then." You bowed to them and dashed toward the class leaving them behind speechless.

"It's [L/name], isn't it?" Takao asked Midorima as they were walking toward their respective classes. [I don't know whether they're in the same class or not but in this story they're not, okay? ;)]


"Do you still have feelings for her?"

"Why is that important to you? It has nothing to do with you, nanodayo."

"Because I love her."

Both of them stopped their steps. Midorima was shocked to hear Takao's confession. He never thought that Takao would like the same girl as he does.

"And I will make her loves me back." Takao added.

"I won't make it easy for you." Midorima replied before he disappeared into his classroom.


I need to say this again. I'm back at my hometown and the internet connection is not that good. So update will be slow. Sorry guys. I really want to update like every two days but I couldn't because of the connection problem. Sumimasen!

Disclaimer: I don't own the picture, Midorima, Takao and you.


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