Stuck In Bed

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'8.00 am' 

"Holy  crap! I'm late to school!" 

You tried to get up but your body was too heavy to move. You felt every drop of the energy left in you losing with every single movement you did.

"Okaa-san.. Hachoo!!"

"[F/name]-chan, you're having a fever. Just stay in bed today." Your mom came with a basin of warm water and a towel.


"Don't worry about it. I already told your teacher." She wiped your face with the wet towel then put it on your forehead before leaving the room. "Get some sleep, okay?"

You nodded your head weakly and closed your eyes. You really can't do anything in this state besides sleeping.

'It must because of the rain.' You knew you get sick easily by rain but you still went into it because of a stupid reason, a revenge on the green haired guy. You were pushing yourself too hard on that. And all you got are bruises on your face. Luckily you made a good excuse when your mom asked about it as you returned home from school yesterday.

Then you remembered something important. The assignment that Kaname asked you to do yesterday. It's not done yet. You fell asleep on the study table in the middle of doing it last night. 

'Kaname will surely be angry with me. Well, screw that. I'm not gonna do anything today but sleep.'

You pulled the blanket over your head then everything fades away.


You woke up late that afternoon and had some mouthwatering lunch that your mom cooked. Well, only if you're not losing your appetite because of the flu. That's the worst part of being sick. Just like any other mom in the world, your mom always cook delicious food when you're sick but sadly you couldn't enjoy it without throwing it up into the toilet. After finishing your lunch, which is still plenty on the plate, you went back to sleep. 

That evening, Takao came to visit you when you're still asleep. Your mom showed him to your room and left him alone with you. He just sat there by the bed staring at you. He could see the bruises on your face. He reached out and held your face with his hand.

You were awake when you felt someone touching you. You opened your eyes slowly and saw Takao by your side. Your face blushed when you realized his hand was on your cheek.

"I'm sorry, [L/name]-san. Did I wake you up?" He flustered as he retrieved his hand.

"N-no, you not."


"Takao-kun, don't you have practice today?" Your spoke up to break the awkwardness that starting to build in the air.

"I skipped practice. I was worried about you. I waited for you at the gazebo during lunch but you didn't show up. So I asked your classmate and they said you were sick. Somehow I felt guilty toward you."

"I'm sorry for making you wait and worry about me. What did you eat for lunch?"

"[L/name]-san, stop worrying about my lunch. Look at yourself. You're sick because of me. You don't need to make lunch for me anymore from today."

"But I love to see you eat my cooking. It makes me happy. I've always wanted to eat with a friend. Um.. Takao-kun, do you see me as your friend?"

Takao was taken aback by your question. He never see you as his friend. You're more than that. You're someone special to him. He wanted to say it but he couldn't make himself to do that. In the end, he just smiled brightly and said, "Of course! You're my dearest friend. But don't make my lunch anymore after this, okay? I'll cook my lunch myself and have you to try them."

"Alright." You smiled at him back after wiping your runny nose. "Did you win the match yesterday?"

"Yeah! The result were far greater than predicted. Speaking of yesterday, Shin-chan said he was sorry for what he did. He wanted to apologize to you in person. He was waiting for you during lunch with me."

Your smile faded as you heard that name. You're done with him. Hating him takes so much energy. You don't want to have anything to do with him anymore. You just want to forget everything about him and pretend he never exist.

"Go back to sleep now. You must get well soon if you want to taste my cooking." Takao noticed your gloomy face so he decided to end the conversation. He pulled the blanket over your chest and patted your head before he gave a kiss on your forehead. "Goodnight."

You're heart jumped by his act. Your hands were trembling under the blanket. It was not something you used to. You never been that close with a man before. You shut your eyes close so that it will hide the embarrassment from him. He waited until you fall asleep then he left to return home.


To Takao lovers out there, this chapter is for you!! Hope you like it. <3<3 Sorry if it's not good enough. I hd tried my bestest.

By the way, I had republished my anime novel with the new tittle 'You're My Secret'. Check it out, guys.

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