Chapter 2

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"Naruto. Naruto! NARUTO!"

I slowly became conscious and noticed a mouth on mine and hands pushing my chest in. My eyes flew open and I quickly rolled to the side, coughing water up.

When I could finally breathe, I looked around and noticed everyone looking at me with worry.

"Hey, dobe, you okay now?" I heard Sasuke ask.

"Yeah, but what happened?" I groaned out.

"You fell into the pool like the idiot you are," Sasuke said with a smirk. I glared at him as I got up.

"I think you need to go to the hospital, or at least head home. I think Iruka is still he-" Kakashi started to say, but then I quickly cut him off.

"No! No need to tell Iruka. He'll just take things out of context and blow things out of proportion. Please, don't tell Iruka! I'm begging you!"

"I'm sorry, Naruto, but Iruka and I are dating. I can't lie to him," Kakashi smiled not looking sorry in the least. He's going to enjoy this.

I growled at him, glaring. "Whatever."

"What, is the little dobe scared of Iruka? He's like a dolphin, he isn't scary," Sasuke scoffed.

"I wouldn't underestimate how scary Iruka can be, Sasuke," Kakashi warned with a shiver.

"Whatever," he muttered.

"Okay, everyone, get back to practice!" Kakashi yelled as the conversation came to an end.

"You sure you're okay?" Gaara asked as he came over.

"Of course I am! A little thing like that can't hurt me! I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I'm going to be Hokage someday!" I smiled with a thumbs up.

"How can a dobe like you be Hoka-" Sasuke started to say as I slowly remembered why I fell in the pool.

"You!" I shouted, pointing at him.

"Yes, what about me?" Sasuke cocked an eyebrow.

"You can't be my soul mate! It's impossible!" I glared.

"Well, it seems you two have a lot to talk about, so why don't you two head on home and-" Kakashi suggested.

"I have nothing to say to him," Sasuke and I said in unison. Well, I shouted, Sasuke growled it out.

"Well, talk anyway, or you're both off the team," Kakashi smiled evilly.

I can't believe it! My soul mate, the one that's supposed to hold and love me, that's supposed to make sure I'm never alone, that I'm never in pain, is the one that's cause me pain all throughout school, starting in kindergarten. And I have to talk to him or I'm off the team!
"Class, today we have a new student. Everyone, say hello to Naruto Uzumaki," Ms. Yashino said.

"Hello," the class greeted.

"Now, Naruto, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself."

"Hello! I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm going to be Hokage someday! I love ramen and my favorite color's orange!" I shouted, smiling.

The class started to laugh, their fingers pointing at me like daggers.

"Now, class, settle down. Naruto, why don't you go and sit by Shikamaru and Choji?" I nod with a pout and walked over to where she pointed.

"Hi, I'm Choji," a chubby kid with light brown hair said while munching on chips, "and this is Shikamaru."

"Why is he asleep?" I asked, peering around Choji to look at Shikamaru.

"He thinks class is too troublesome, so he falls asleep."

"Ah," I nodded.

At recess, everyone ran outside, already playing games and hanging out with their friends. I continuously ran up to groups, asking to play, but each one said no. Finally, I ran up to where a kid with spiky brown hair and what looked like fangs was playing with a small white dog.

"Hi! I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm going to be Hokage someday!" I shouted.

"Yeah, yeah, who cares. You'll never be able to become Hokage, everyone knows that. now get lost," the boy barked.

"I will be, you'll see, dog breath!" I yelled and stomped away. "Stupid dog boy, thinking he knows everything."

Suddenly I hit something and fell onto my back, bumping my head in the process.

"Watch it, dobe," a boy growled, glaring down at me. The boy had black hair that spiked up in the back and cold, black eyes.

"You watch where you're-"

"Stay away from Sasuke-kun, you idiot Naruto!" A girl with pink hair shouted at me. I slowly started to get up until someone pushed me down.

"Yeah, idiot Naruto!" Another girl with blonde hair yelled.

After that, everyone but three people bullied me. Shikamaru and Choji became my friends in third grade, while Kiba became my best friend in first.

We hung out almost every weekend, and no matter what rumors were spread about them by our peers, only reason being they were my friends, they still stuck by my side.

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