Chapter 6

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Naruto's Point of View

"Sasuke is really possessive, so were he to see the tattoo on you, he would think you are showing everyone who you belong too and be very pleased," Neji told me.

"So, basically, I'd be stroking his ego? I don't really understand,  exactly how this will make him want me," I said, scratching my head in confusion.

"What he's trying to say, Naruto, is that once Sasuke starts to think of people seeing your tattoo and knowing you're proud to have him as a soul mate, he will start thinking about you more. You'll be in his head, constantly," Shika tried to explain.

"So, he will start liking me, right?" I asked.

"I don't think that we can explain it right, guys. While I get what you're trying to say, even I'm confused on your explanation," Hinata chuckled.

"Yes, he will start liking you, Naruto," Gaara confirmed.

"Okay, that's all I need to know," I grinned.
The next day, I walked into school with a bright, neon yellow shirt thats back is basically gone except for the strips of fabric going across. With the shirt, I wore blue and black skinny jeans with a studded rainbow belt and my grey converse. I thought I looked pretty good.

"Hey, Naruto! Looking pretty good!" Kiba voiced my thoughts as he walked up behind me, winking at me when I turned around.

"I have to agree with you for once," I nodded, smiling.

"For once?" Shika smirked.

"They usually fight, don't they?" Choji got out after finishing the breakfast he brought to school.

"Depends on when you're with them," Shika replied with a shrug.

"So, what's up, guys? Want to hang out this weekend?" I asked, putting my hands behind my head while heading to my next class.

"Sure," Choji said as Shika nodded.

"I'm free," Kiba shrugged.

"Sweet!" I shouted.
After school, I was walking to get a drink before practice when I accidentally ran into the wall.

"Ow!" I shouted, holding my foot and cussing. I really need to pay more attention to my surroundings.

"Yo, Naruto! We need to hurry and head to practice!" Kiba shouted from behind me.

"Okay, I'm coming!" I turned around and jogged over to him.

"Dude, what were you even doing? Hurt yourself again?" Kiba laughed.

"No... I was just seeing how wide my foot was!" I lied, frowning.

"Uh-huh, yeah, okay," Kiba rolled his eyes and started to walk away.

"I was!" I shouted as I ran after him.

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