Chapter 9

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During the rest of my Junior year, I constantly tried to get Sasuke to choose to stay with me. He didn't and still hasn't given me an answer. I've slowly been getting tired of waiting. The talent show, where I'll be singing two songs, is my final plea to him to be with me.

I just hope my efforts will pay off.
"So, you going to tell us the songs?" Choji asked.

"Yeah, the show's tomorrow!" Kiba grinned.

"Just be there and you'll know!" I beamed.

"Okay, fine!" Kiba pouted.

"Are you complaining again, Kiba?" A more raspy, yet low voice asked as a male came up behind Kiba and hugged him.

"Shino!" Kiba whined.


"Nothing," Kiba mumbled as he blushed.

"You two are so cute together!" I complimented.

"Yeah, I know," Kiba chuckled.
"I can't find anything to wear for the show!" I yelled, exasperated.

"Why don't we go buy you some at the Mall? We don't just have to look for clothes. You can let loose a little and we can go to the arcade, too. How does that sound?" Iruka suggested, having come in when I shouted.

"That would be great! Thank you, Iruka!" I practically squealed, running and tackling him with a hug.

"Can I come, too?" Kakashi asked, looking down at us.

We both nodded and got up.

"C'mon, let's get going, then," Iruka snickered.

The drive there was filled with laughter and conversation. I finally just got to be calm. I forgot about my troubles and worries for the time being, and I loved it!
I knew that my being carefree wasn't going to last. The next day, I was a bundle of nerves. I kept checking the mirror to make sure everything was perfect.

I wore acid washed jeans with a chain on the side, a nice, long sleeved plaid shirt, and black combat boots. I had on a little makeup that was natural that was forced on to me by Hinata, and my hair was styled a little bit wilder than it normally was.

I kept messing with my hair and clothes, trying to fix any imperfections I saw.

"Don't worry so much, Naruto. Everything is going to be fine! You're going to do great!" Iruka encouraged with a pat on the back.

"Thank you, so much," I whispered and hugged him.

"No problem. Now, I have to go sit down now, but if you get a little stage fright, just pretend your alone at home, singing to yourself," Iruka smiled and walked away.

"Hey, Naruto! You nervous?" Kiba laughed, slapping my back hard.

"Yes, and you asking that doesn't help any!" I growled.

"Oh, sorry man, I just-"

"Stop making him scared, Kiba," Shikamaru said, coming up behind him.

"You're going to do great, Naruto!" Said Choji as he offered me chips.

"No, but thank you. I know you only share with Shika, but if I ate right now, I might puke," I gagged, putting my hand over my mouth.

"Sorry," Choji mumbled.

"It's fine," I laughed half-heartedly.

"Next up is... Naruto Uzumaki!" The announcer introduced.

"Good luck!" My friends chimed.

I nodded in thanks and slowly walked onto the stage.

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