Chapter 8

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"What's your name, dickless?" Was the guys first sentence after dancing a few minutes.

"I have a dick!" I shouted at him, pissed.

"I didn't say you didn't, dickless," he smiled, looking fake. I just walked away from him.

"Hey, wait up, dickless!" He shouted running after me.

"Stay away from me, who ever the fuck you are!" I flipped him off stomping back to Deidara. Before I reached him, the guy grabbed my wrist.

"I'm Sai, by the way," he smiled.

"I don't care. Now let go," I growled as I tried to pull my wrist from his tightening grip.

"What's your name, or do I need to keep calling you dickless?" Sai smiled even wider.

"That hurts! Stop!"

"I won't let go until you tell me your name."

"It's none of your business, now let go!" I shouted, kneeing him in the balls.

As Sai was doubled over in pain, I ran to Deidara.

"You okay? You look scared," Deidara worried.

"That guy I went to go dance with? Yeah, he just tried to force me to give him my name. He kept calling me dickless and just scared the hell out of me," I trembled.

"Let me take you home, you look like you need-" he got up.

"No need, I'll take him home," a familiar voice said behind me.

"No, it's okay. Deidara can-" I turned around, choking when I saw Sasuke.

"No, I'll take you home," Sasuke said, nodding at Deidara and grabbing my hand, leading me to his car.
Other than the radio lowly playing some rock music, the silence in the car was deafening as Sasuke drove down the highway. I tried to make conversation, but he just ignored me.

"Why?" He finally asked as he pulled into my driveway.

"Why what?" I asked, looking at him confused.

"Why dance with those two and not me?" He frowned.

"I... I did it to make you jealous," I sighed, deciding to tell him the truth. So I told him, from the very beginning. Hinata buying me clothes to trying to make him possessive over me.

"Is that all?"

"No... I have one more thing to say. I did it because I believe you don't want me, especially not as much as I want you. I won't give up until you tell me right out, right now, that you don't wish to be my soul mate. I'll leave you alone and find someone else," I whisper. Sasuke just sat there in silence. I nodded, knowing he needed time to think. I got out of the car.

"One last, final thing. Once you choose, you can't go back. If you choose to be with me, I'll love you everyday for the rest of our lives and even beyond that. I'll make you breakfast everyday if need be, and help you when your sick. One word, and I'm yours.

"Now, if you so wish, with one heartbreaking sentence, I'll leave you alone for the rest of eternity. I won't look at you, talk to you, or even think about you unless you make the first move. I'll find someone else who's mate didn't want them, or one of the rare people who have no mate. I won't bother you anymore.

"Just know, Sasuke, whatever you choose, I'll respect your decision, but make sure you make the right one for you," I quietly sobbed the rest out and ran into the house.
"Yo, Naruto!" Kiba shouted excitedly, "Did you hear? There's going to be a talent show at the end of the year! Artists can show there art in the cafeteria while everyone else can perform on stage! This is your opportunity to show everyone how awesome you sing!"

"K-Kiba! No need to shout it to the world!" I, against my own words, shouted.




"I'd rather that be done to me than do it myself," I snickered, watching blood rush to Kiba's cheeks.

"Too much information, Naruto," a bored voice yawned.

"So? It's true!" I laughed.

"Whatever. So you going to do it?" Shika rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"Yeah, if Sasuke's going to be there," I shrugged.

"Have anything in mind you're going to sing?" Choji asked.

I nodded with a smirk and replied, "Yeah, one that'll explain itself. A joke, but not." I winked.

"I don't want to know," Shika shook his head.

"Suit yourself," I shrugged.
I yawned as Iruka continued to lecture me.

"Okay, I get it. I won't draw a," I stopped and chose another word at Iruka's glare, "wiener on the white board with a permanent marker in the guise of an animal anymore."

"You know that's not what I mean!" Iruka yelled, spittle flying from his mouth.

"I'm sorry, okay? Stuff has just been going on and I can't... I just can't! I did it to relieve some stress," I sighed, running my hands through my hair.

"Well then, tell me. Tell me what's going on or I won't be able to help you," he frowned.

So I told him. I talked about Sasuke and the decision I gave him; school and everything else giving me stress.

"I'm at my limit, Iruka!" I cried, "What do I do?"

"Oh, Naruto..." He sighed as he put my head on his shoulder, "Everything will work out in the end, I promise. Just keep your head up, okay, sweetie? That's all you need to do for right now." Iruka kissed the top of my head and rubbed my back as I sobbed in his shoulder.

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