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There wasn't a day going by without Chip reading the Bible. He barely believed it himself, how much the words worked inside him, helping understand who Jesus was and what great things he had done for him before he even knew it.

And eventually he came over a passage in Matthew, while rereading it that awakened something in him. In Matthew five he read 'In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.' and it reminded him of something he had heard in his very early years of childhood.

His heart felt heavy in his chest as the scent of incense laced the image of the faint memory of his own little hands on the prayer bench and then as he looked up he heard his own laughter at the woman in front of him smiling down at him while a voice echoed through the room. "We are all the lights that the Lord placed in the darkness of the world and we as his followers are like candles lighting another candle, spreading the light, spreading the word.", the voice faded back out and as the words in the Bible became clear in front of his eyes again he started weeping.

He pressed the book tightly against his chest and smiled as he cradled it in his arms. "Praise be to you", he sobbed, "Thank you Lord, thank you"
His voice was shaking uncontrollably as he praised God and eventually he heard the door open and Jay peeked inside, carefully asking: "Are you okay?" "Yes", he sobbed with the brightest smile as she came closer and as she kneeled down next to him she tilted her head to the side. "Then, why are you crying?" "God made me remember my mother", he cried and a laugh tore from his throat, "Jay, I remember her!"

In disbelief she starred at him, as he started laughing in pure, unfiltered joy. "I remember her face", he said, "She was a Christian too, that's why it all felt so natural to me, she used to take me to church, I remember"
Jay felt herself choke up with tears at Chips raw emotion, lips parting in awe. "Are you sure?" "Jay, I've never been so sure about anything", he replied and rushed forward to hug her. She felt the fire of faith radiating off of him, his light so bright she couldn't believe it actually came from him.
She hugged him back and heard quietly a whisper, voice thick with tears, but yet so joyful: "He is so good"

Eventually he held her by the shoulders and said to her: "I need to find Finn, I remember he wrote a logbook where they picked me up when I was a kid. We can go there- I- I'm gonna see her and know that she's my mum" "Chip, I-", she held onto his arms and looked down, "How do I say this?"
He looked at her expectant and confused when she quietly asked: "Why were you raised in the orphanage?"

He froze and swallowed hard. "I- I don't know", he said and she took his hands into hers. "Listen, we can go there. If you want to do it, we will. I just don't know if we will find the answers that you want"
He looked down for a moment and then squeezed her hands and smiled. "Honestly, any answer will make me happy, with Jesus by my side and the knowledge that she was one of his followers too, the answer can't shake me", he said and then he shrugged, "If she's alive I know she'll tell me what happened and if she's dead she's with God and what safer place is there for anyone? I'll go talk to Finn"

Then he hugged her and said: "But thank you for looking out for me, I know asking that wasn't easy" "Chip", she stopped him, looked at him and she saw the works of Christ in him, saw the clarity in his eyes so full of warmth and quietly a whisper of awe left her, "You really have met him" "I did", Chip replied and his eyes lit up with a joy at her words, his head nodding in agreement, "I really did"

She pressed her lips together, this overwhelming emotion setting in. She had watched God heal Chip, had watched him being called home. It was breathtaking.
Then she slowly let go of him and nodded.
Chip got up and rushed out to find Finn, when Jay felt her world view shatter.

He is the way // fanfic about chipWhere stories live. Discover now