2: Ella

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The whole night was a mistake, it just was a mistake. I woke up that morning in Derek's bed, he had already left for his work.  Since I graduated a month ago, I guess "making love"  isn't as bad as having it when you are in high school.  I put on my clothes and quickly leave, I walk to school my car is still there. Nobody has hijacked it, which is good.  I get a text from Squid, A.K.A Shayna, she is a thin black girl that for some reason always dyes her hair a different colour every day I see her.  One day it is red, the next it is blue.  I text her back, I hesitate because my phone is still on the text messages I had with Derek before the "night". 

Me: Hey, wanna go to that sushi place?

Squid: Sure, I like sushi!

Me: Alright meet me outside the place. Be there in about ten minutes.

Squid: KK.

I get in the car and drive, I pass my house on the way there.  I decide to pull in and tell them where I've been, 

"Great, it's god you're spending time with Derek" Mom says.                                                                                         

"Yeah, it's super" I say awkwardly trying not to spill out the events of last night. 

   "Well have fun with Shayna then" Mom sighs.

  I leave the house and get in my car, I drive about five minutes to the little outlet mall where the sushi place is, I meet Squid  outside I instantly tell her about the events of last night.

"WHAT!" Squid yells with rice in her mouth.                              

"How did it feel?".  I hesitate at her question, Weird, and well, weird" I say awkwardly.   Squid's eyes widen at my sentence," Are you pregnant?" She asks.  "WHAT! No! There is no way I am!" I growl.           

"You should go to the doctor anyways and check!"  Squid tells me.

"No! I'm not pregnant!" I yowl.

  "One time my sister got pregnant, my mom told her to go to the doctor and check but she refused, and guess what? SHE GOT PREGNANT!" Squid's eyes flare with concern but at the same time excitement.

 "Fine I'll go check but if your wrong, I will kill you".

Squid decides to come with me, the doctor says that since the ovulation process just started I will have to come back a second time.  He hands me flyers for several different abortion clinics around San Francisco, he probably knows I'm a little young to be pregnant.  Me and Squid leave the office, Squid instantly calls her mom, 

"MOM! Have you heard! Ella's pregnant!" I roll my eyes, I can't be , I just can't.         






Runaway: Book 1: Chasing Butterflies (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now