5: Ella

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My Dad is part of the investigation involving that child killer in the west side, he is a officer that went to the scene of the child remains. I have nightmares about that guy, now that it is official that I am pregnant. My parents know, because of Squid's big ass mouth. Derek knows, obviously. Since I'm pregnant, my parents said that I will have the baby then raise it at Derek's house. Which means I'm staying in San Francisco where my Mom is staying. The job I work at, Picasso Painting and Architect Co., is giving me a mat leave. My boss is so nice, her name is Samara Kooja, she's a 30 year old Indian woman with a happy, positive attitude. She was pregnant before I got the job, she has a son at home.

I drive to Derek's house that morning, I'm almost finished moving in. My cat Smoky, is staying with us since my parents are sick of him. Derek already has a room for the baby, he hasn't got anything in it yet but yeah. We have already started predicting if it is a boy or a girl, if it's a boy, well here is a list of names that Derek made for what we will name the boy,

List of Boys Names







List of Girls Names






Yeah, not many names for the girls. That's because Derek is positive it's gonna be a boy, or at least born a boy.

"So, I heard that Shayna can't hang out with you anymore, why is that?" Derek asks.

"Because her parents are way too Christian and think that gay people will go to hell" I explain.

"Oh, okay" Derek treks upstairs to his room. I sit down on his couch with Smoky, we watch the news together, apparently the remains of the one missing child have been found. In other news, every other school or daycare in the city has been closed as safety precaution. Which means that school is over in San Francisco because they have no lead on this guy at all. He kidnaps 25 people, kills them then dumps their remains in a dumpster or sewage system. I mean who finds that fun, it's cruel and disturbing. When they catch this guy, which they probably won't, he better have a really good motive in order to be put in jail. And with me being pregnant I can't risk being exposed to a guy like him, does he do that too? Kidnap pregnant women and murder them as well as their non fully devloped child?

Runaway: Book 1: Chasing Butterflies (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now