9: Shayna

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  Screaming fills the streets, people panicking.  Ella gasps at the site of our once beloved city of San Francisco, my head is spinning.  First the whole fact that my brother, my best friend and my former girlfriend all have powers is scary, second that my girlfriend just tried to kill us and third what the hell is going on?!

  The noise of a jet flies by, an army jet to be exact.  It fires at some sort of floating triangle in the sky,  the Triangle drops bombs on the city.  People panic as the bombs explode, more and more people run around on the streets.  Giant mushroom like clouds erupt into the air all over the city.

  "GET INSIDE NOW!" A soldier runs up to me and gestures to Derek's house.  I follow the order and go in, as I enter the house a tank rolls into the scene and gunfire erupts through the street.  Kiera's dead body is still there as still as roadkill.  Derek scrambles to turn on the TV,  there is a red caption saying:

                                         EARTH UNDER ATTACK, RETURN TO YOUR HOMES.

   They show the triangles above different cities across the world: Toronto, Moscow, Tokyo, New York.  The thoom of explosions makes my ears ring, I look out the window.  The street is incredibly smoky, but the flash of gunfire tells me there are still people out there.  I squint, what are they fighting out there?  I look closer, opposing gunfire followed by the sound of a ship landing startles me.  A v- shaped green line moves through the smoke, more and more of these lines advance as well.  As the clouds of smoke depart, I finally get a glimpse at the battle ground around us.  These soldiers are fighting robots, like the ones from Star Wars.


Runaway: Book 1: Chasing Butterflies (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now