3: Shayna

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I can't believe it! Ella could be pregnant! I mean if she is, I'll help her get through it. Derek is probably going to be surprised by this, maybe even mad. Wait, what am I saying? He's the father, he can't be mad about it and he can't and he won't be mad at Ella. After all, it is his fault. I don't think Ella is too excited about being pregnant, she's probably just worried about what her parents will think.

I walk home, my brother, Frank, is blind. But he has excellent hearing and touch senses, he's about 13-14 years old.

"Shayna is that you?" Frank asks from the sofa.

"Yeah" I answer since I know Frank gets annoyed when I don't.

"Have you seen Mom?" I ask him, oh no I asked him that.

"No, no I haven't" Frank growls. "Sorry" I apologize to him.

"It's fine, after all, what you said is part of normal questioning these days" Frank grunts.

" I wish I wasn't blind! I wish I could see everything, why couldn't Mom give birth to a non-blind kid and abort me when I came out!" Frank bursts out into his normal furious rampage.

"Don't say that!" I yell.

"Well, I am who I am, am I not?" Frank growls.

He storms out of the living room, he feels the wall and finds his room. I fall to the sofa, I cry, I caused this. I fricking caused this, this is all my fricking fault!

I quickly go to bed that night, thinking about Ella and Frank, and the pregnancy and my blind brother and everything!

Runaway: Book 1: Chasing Butterflies (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now