8: Ella

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"Let's go" I grab Frank's hand, he pulls his hand out of my grasp.

"Remember, I can see" Frank points to his eyes.

"Yeah, sorry I forgot" I look at Squid's mom.  She stares at me in fear,  I walk over to her, I put two fingers to her forehead, shall we see if this works?

"You will say nothing of this" I tell her.  A flash of blue glints her brown pupil, she gets up and goes to the kitchens and starts washing dishes again.  We exit the house, we run into Squid.

'Wha-" I cover her mouth, "We'll explain on the way".  We drive back to Derek's house, we explain everything to both Derek and Squid.

"And it's probably a matter of time until my mind control wears off, so you can't go back ever" I tell Squid.  "So then what do we do?" Frank asks.

"We need to leave, forever" I say. 

"We need to bring Kiera with us" Shayna says.

"NO!" Frank yowls.  "I sense there's something wrong with her".

"And your right" A voice says behind us.  Frank is flung into the wall, Squid screams as she rushes to help him.  Kiera gestures an attack at me, I block it out of pure instinct.  I shoot a blast of blue at her, she flings out of the door.  I notice something on her neck, a purple, pulsing light.  The veins around it flash a brilliant jet black.  That must be what is giving her these painful, yet awesome powers.   

I concentrate my energy and tell myself,  Lift her, lift her .  And it works!  I gesture a pulling motion, she yelps in pain, desperately handing at her neck.  The purple thing begins to pull out of her neck.  Followed by the ripping of the flesh in her neck.

Eventually she fell to the floor, panting like a dog.  She tries to stop the blood welling from her neck, she looks angrily up at me.

"You monster!" She yells.

"This coming from the bitch that attacked us!" I growl back, "Now, what is this?".  I show her the little purple orb covered in her blood.  It pulses as she holds it, she then smiles and looks up at me.

"The time has come....." Kiera let outs a gurgled laugh as blood floods out of her mouth.

"For what?" Derek looks at me, then back at Kiera.

"Revelation and Revenge" Kiera's eyes turn purple as she spasms out of control.

Kiera falls to the floor, a puddle of blood forms just under her mouth.

"What is she talking about?" Derek asks.

"I TOLD YOU SHE WAS BAD, DIDN'T I, DIDN'T I!?" Frank yells angrily.

"Have you guys read the Bible?" Squid asks.

"No" Me and Derek answer.

"Well, there is a part about the end of the world, it's called Revelation" The room goes silent.

The end of the world? I must be dreaming right?

Runaway: Book 1: Chasing Butterflies (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now