17: Ella

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The boat drives us halfway through the water, then it breaks down.
" Shit!" Frank growls.
" We need to swim" I tell him.
"I don't know how and plus you're pregnant" Frank says.
We sit in the middle of the ocean thinking about what to do, Frank paces back and forth.
A short mew comes from the water, we look over the boat.  Smoky swims towards the boat, what! How did he get so far out.  I pick him up and put him in the boat, he wails as I dry him off.
" Look" Frank points towards Alcatraz.
Smoke wells from the historic building, the Kinetics found the Resistance.
They've probably killed all of them, including Shayna.
Through the clouds, a form begins to move.
A Triangle launches starships down to Alcatraz, they are destroying the island.
" Shayna" Frank says sadly.  A noise emits through the ocean, a robot jumps onto the boat.  Frank charges at it, the robot pushes him overboard.
" No!" I yell.
A robot ambushes me from behind, it grabs my wrist.  It then flies off with me in it's arms, dangling.  " Ella, no!" Frank howls as the robots blow up the boat.
Frank screams in pain, Smoky wails.
I'm gone, I've been captured.
I'm going to be tortured and killed.
Ok, goodbye world, goodbye.

Runaway: Book 1: Chasing Butterflies (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now