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song- upside down//jack johnson

"Millie! Milo! Are you ready? We've got to catch our flight!" Millie's mother yelled from downstairs. Her bundle of suitcases, filled with all her belongings, sat near her door, ready to be stuffed in the trunk of a car. Millie sat on her bed, soaking in the cold, December air that filled the room. 

"Come on Millie! We have to leave or we'll miss our flight!" Her mom's voice got louder as her mom got closer to her room. Millie's eyes didn't leave the marks on the wall across the room. Her mom stood in her doorway, resting against the frame with her arms crossed and her finger tapping impatiently against her arm. 

"Even if everything is gone, there's still that familiar smell of me." Millie states in a monotone voice. Her mother chuckles and walks to the window, shutting it and blocking the chilly breeze out of the room. 

"I know you're upset about moving, but this is great opportunity! We're moving to Australia! It is a great place for you to train, and plus, its nice almost all year round, no more snow like here, yeah?"

"But I like the snow." 

Millie's mom sighed and sat down next to her. She put her arm around Millie and started to rub her shoulder to make her feel somewhat better. 

"Everything will be better once we get to Sydney." Millie just sighed in response. Millie's mom sat up and pulled Millie up with her. They trudged to the door and rolled Millie's suitcases down stairs and to the car. It was a long drive to the airport, so Millie just stared out the window, watching her beautiful town of Snowmass, Colorado slip right through her fingers. 


"Good morning passengers, and welcome aboard Flight 839, Denver to the wonderful city of Sydney, Australia. Our flight today..." The flight attendant voice filled Millie's ears, as did her father's voice as he attempted to shove her mom's carry-on into the over head compartment. Millie's younger brother, Milo, sat one seat away from her, tapping away on his phone. 

"Don't worry, Sydney will be great. I've already been emailing with one of our neighbors, and they have a son who's your age! They didn't mention his name, though." Millie's mom informed her. 

"I guess we won't know until we get there." Millie mumbled as she stared out the window of the airplane.  A single tear shed from her eyes as her eyes blinked slowly, watching the the airplane move into the take-off area. Seconds later, they were in the air and on their way across the ocean to Australia. 

19 hours to go, Millie thought. Millie made the decision to sleep. She thought that would hopefully kill most of the time. 


"Mills! Mills we're here! Wake up!" 

Millie's eyes fluttered open to see her brother's face directly in front of hers. His face was full of joy. They had just landed in Sydney, and Millie could already feel the jet lag kicking in. Her hand made it's way to his face to push it out of her way so she could sit up properly. 

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Millie's dad said in a joking way. She groaned in response with made her dad laugh. Millie sat up and lifted the backpack full of her carry-on items and exited the plane. 

"Alright so we are looking for terminal 5, so keep your eyes on the look out!" Her mother explained as the shuffled through the airport. Millie's eyes located the the 5th terminal, and as she walked towards the conveyor belt moving everyone's luggage in a circle, a boy sitting on a bench, with a sign and a cellphone in his hands, looked up towards Millie and her family. She ignored him and made her way towards one of her bags that was moving along the belt. Millie didn't notice that his eyes widened as he saw her.

mrs.all american//cth auWhere stories live. Discover now