Quetionable Curry

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"You look so fancy." You giggled as final adjustments were on Ciel.

He sighed "How do manage to live in a corset?"

You shrugged "It's like society itself."

He was confused "Society?"

You nodded "You probably won't care because you're the opposite gender. But a corset is society too. It suffocates a woman into social alignment. Then tightly laces them up in many rules and restrictions. It hurts, it's like passing out...but you can still live somehow because that's how society sees women."

Ciel's deep eyes of blue seem to glitter in amusement and interest "Who would've thought of it that way. And restrictions?"

"We can never show our legs or anything. I think even Miss Nina had point there. And who said a woman can't be strong? Is it because the princess is always the helpless one? I hope someday the new cliché will become the lass saving the lad. Women always need to be pretty in our world." You reply as you stood beside him.

You chuckled "But who am I to talk right? You saved me many times."

He hesitantly nodded "Right. But what you say, it's rather interesting."

You smiled "Compliment me later. We have a competition to win."

Before you walked out, you snidely smirked "Ah yes, I expect some rights of the Royal Warrant going to me. Okay?"

Ciel twitched as she walked out.

"Not only is she interesting, she's just as snide." Ciel sighed.

"Looks like a woman who would suit you my Lord." Sebastian commented.

"Oh, enough of you."

"Haha, as you wish." The butler clad in black chuckled.


"Wow, I didn't assume the chocolate idea would actually be taken seriously." You looked up at Sebastian dropping the chocolate in the pot.

"Well, you know him." Ciel sighed.

"Yeah, but I know you better."

"Did you say something?" He asked.

"Nope." You looked forward once more.

Lau chuckled, while Ran Mao patted your head reassuringly. You sighed frustratingly, how he never seemed to pick up on your little teasing.

Soon curry was being handed out and you tried Sebastian's.

"It's good." You say as you bit into some more.

Ciel found your appearance rather "cute", something his cousin would say frequently to almost anything. But you were eating the bread without a care in the world.

He stayed by your side when you two decided to look around a little bit. He watched as you looked at the statues and everything with curiosity. The Phantomhive Earl enjoyed watching you become a curious kitten.

"Hey! Don't wander!" He called when you suddenly bolted another direction.

"Jeez..." Ciel huffed as he walked fast in the direction you we running of to.


That's when a curry that seem to have a different spice added. Everyone started to go nuts.

You instantly saw a man run up to you and scream about you being unclean. Your eyes turned dark.

You grabbed a table leg that had been smashed off. And you sent a blow to the man's head.

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