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You sighed as you signed the last bit of 'homework' Sebastian gave you. It wasn't hard it was just really long. Ever since you were captured, you felt alone but now that you were at the Phantomhive estate you've grown a liking here. You bonded with the servants fairly well, and you and Sebastian got along just fine. But you bonded mostly with Ciel, you felt safe with him not in an 'I really love you' way but in a friendly way.

You stared at the last question: What is the formula for Pi for the diameter?

'That's easy enough'

You write down the last bit of the formula: C= π x D

You closed your book and you heard a frustrated sigh.You looked to your side and saw a frustrated Ciel.

"Are you alright?" You asked concerned.

" A new case right after another" Ciel groaned.

"A new case?"


"The case is?"

"Jack the Ripper"

"Quite a name" you replied.

"Right, I'm ready" Ciel said and put a gun on his side.

You shuddered, thirteen and already using a gun.

(Timeskip Cause I Said So!)
"Ciel, you're early, dear"

"Your sudden appearance must mean..." Lau starts.

"The Queen's Guard dog has a new scent to follow" Madam Red finished.

"Speaking of such formal names, ______?" Madam Red asks.

"Yes?" you reply acknowledging her.

"Since you are the head of the house aren't you now called the Queen's Songbird? Care to explain" Madam Red asks.

"Of course" you nod.

"It was my mother who held the name actually. In our family branch it's the women who hold the title. My mother was really the one who had any interaction with our Queen. My father was there, only to hold the business and attend to few cases. My mother's work though...probably secret society at least that's what rumours seem to whisper about. After my parents had died, the Queen officially gave me the title as the Queen's Songbird or Nightingale known by most already. But the unusual thing is that I was never told what my mother has been doing throughout her attachment to her so called 'Secret Society'. But I did learn one thing..."

Everyone's heads snapped back at you with interest "While my mother was working in her office that only she was allowed to go in, I snuck in. I was ten years old at the time and was tired of all my personal classes so I would go outside on top of the roof in our manor and sing, then I saw the window that connected to my mother's secret office. I crawled through the window and looked at all the series of papers that were scattered and there was this one under a lamp light that had the title: Project NAC and a series of children's names with either a check mark or no check mark name, most were check marked. My mother eventually found me and told me to not tell anyone that I saw those papers" you finished.

Ciel's eyes darkened "Operation NAC?"

"But it's better to discuss the other case in hand" I say quickly before anything could happen.


Ciel sipped his tea and then said "He struck again another prostitute was murdered by White Chapel. These killings are far from normal the level of violence is not presented to the crowd."

Then Sebastian took the explanation from there. "The most recent victim is woman named Mary Anne Nickels. It appears a special type of blade was used on her, she was torn up beyond recognition"

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