A Literal Piece of Hope

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While walking down for the Frost Fair activities, ________ and Ciel were walking together side by side.

_______ looked around with wonder an awe at such a beautiful white sight.

"Well you seem to be enjoying yourself."

_______ looks at Ciel, he had smug eyes and a smirk.

"What if I am? You can't blame me for my interest in this event, that hasn't happened in eighty years!" ______ shot back.

_______ took Ciel's fluffed hood and gave a slight yank on it.

"Hey! ______!"

"Serves you right"

Sebastian held a chuckle at the young one's little battle. He hadn't seen such quarrels in a while in his long, life.

As the three continued to browse around, two ladies were making their way through the crowd.

One was around the same age as Ciel and _______. She had blonde loopy pigtails, and pink...well, everything. She was a high classed noble, a daughter of a marchioness and the King of British knights. Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Middleford.

Her maid: Paula was running after her as she was looking around for a gift.

"I must please Ciel with this gift!" Elizabeth vows.

And it's where it all happened.

Coming back to Ciel and______. Soon, the trio runs into inspector Abberline.

"Well, judging from your presence here in must mean that London must be very safe, from the time being" Ciel smirks.

"It's not! I'm on duty at the moment!" Abberline protests.

"Kinda funny how hard he tries to prove to Ciel about his presence, yet seems to take it more forward than it is mean't to" _______ whispered to Sebastian.

"Well after all, this inspector is rather...dedicated to his duty" Sebastian replies.

Ciel sighs and bids the inspector good day and leaves. The inspector comes chasing after Ciel.

"Wait! There's still some things I want to ask you! Ciel."

_______ growled and slapped Abberline's hand "I can't believe I actually lifted a finger to make sure you don't choke him. Have manners, after all you are a simple commoner!"

Ciel smirked and stared at ______. Protective much? His face seemed to say.

______ sighed, Whatever. Her expression seem to say back.

Soon they were talking about the case in hand, Abberline discussing about a assumed murder that it happened early on in the day of the frost fair that a corpse was found frozen underneath the ice. The Scotland Yard had also at the same time, were looking for a blue diamond that it been stolen. The man whose corpse was frozen under the ice, he was part of the organization that he worked for, that would steal the blue diamond.

Lau and Ciel offer some background information of the blue diamond itself and how it was cut into smaller pieces to disguise it. ______ looked at Ciel's ring, Ciel knew what ______ was looking at and he covered his blue diamond with his thumb.

Ciel offers to help out with the case, ______ sighs.

'Men, just can't seem to keep their ego to themselves'

Timeskip brought to you by Author-chan's tears.

Soon the so called Hope Piece was found on a sculpture. _______ sweatdropped.

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