The Hound and the Hotspring

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Third person POV

_______ sat on the bed, after the recent events, it was certain that the demon hound was no joke.

"Is something wrong, master?" Sebastian asks as Ciel gets changed.

"It's about what you said earlier, how you phrased it. What you said was 'This wasn't human work'. What if, that bloody reaper has gotten himself invovled with this?" Ciel says.

"Reaper?" ______ asks.

Ciel and Sebastian realized, that at that moment Grell had went to his true Grim Reaper form, _______ had passed out.

"Remember Grell?" Ciel asks.


"He's a so called reaper, him and his 'death scythe' are dangerous, it's what killed Madam Red" Ciel says bluntly without looking at _____.

"So Grell, is a grim reaper? A being that harvests souls?" ______ says quietly.

"How do you?" Ciel asks sharply.

"E-erm, stories" ______ replies back.

Ciel sighs "Alright, now you better go to bed. It's not good for you, since you were out in the cold."

______ chuckles as Ciel lies down in bed "Alright...thanks for caring about my health"

Ciel blushes and looks away "I-It's not like I-I really m-mean't it!"

______ giggles and hugs Ciel, with Sebastian still present in the room.

"I know you care! Thank you!" ______ says.

"_-______!" Ciel blushes madly.

Sebastian's eyes are wide at the sight. He

thought he would never see his master blush out of affection, but only embarrassment.

Finally the two laid to rest as Sebastian blew out the candles.

The next morning...

Sebastian walks into the room and sees _______ reading a book.

"Mistress? I see you're already awake" Sebastian says.

"I woke up about an hour ago, I was bored so I decided to read Ciel's book. I didn't know he liked Edgar Allen Poe." _______ says.

"What about the young master? Is he still asleep?" Sebastian notions to a still sleeping Ciel.

______ giggles "No, he just wanted to keep this act up to get more sleep, while I stalled"

Sebastian sweatdrops "I-I see"

"Damn you _______, I thought I'd actually get more sleep!" Ciel groans.

"Now, now young master, that is no way how to talk to a lady" Sebastian says.

"Get up!" ______ chirps.

"______, I'm tired, tell Sebastian to go away." Ciel groaned.

"That's why you shouldn't stay up reading Edgar Allan Poe, you were so scared, you were squeezing my chest so hard!" ______ says.

Ciel's eyes widened, his face flushed with red "I-I wasn't t-that scared!"

_______ falls into the pillows giggling, making Ciel sigh.

Time skip!

"Today's snack is a Cabinet Pudding, prepared with blackberries from surrounding regions" Sebastian explains the dish.

Of course, it's freaking delicious, the peace was disturbed when Mey-rin and Finny burst from the door.


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