Viscount's Dance

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We were driving to Druitt's last party of the season. You stared down at all the pinks and lacy bows on your dress.

You looked over to your side and saw Ciel in dressed attire as well.

You entered the ballroom and music and socializing was everywhere almost to the point of annoying.

"Ciel will be my nephew like always, Sebastian will be Ciel's and ______'s tutor, and _______ will be my darling little niece" Madam Red cooed.

"Alright first we need to locate the Viscount" Ciel said, you nodded.

"Good thing Lizzy isn't here, she'd just get in the way" Ciel sighed

"Who's Lizzy?" you asked.

"She's my...fiancé" Ciel said not looking at you.

"Oh...I see" you nod, you felt a pang of jealousy and not knowing why.

You shook your head 'I'm overthinking things" you thought.

"Ooh! I love you dress" A high-pitched voice squeaked.

All three of you turn around and see a girl with blonde loopy pig-tails and a red dress.

'Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford! Even she is at a party like this?'

Ciel started to twitch "Oh good Lord" he growled.

She started to look this way, you grabbed Ciel and shoved him up front.

"Oh! You in the pink!"

"Come this way mistress!" Sebastian stated rapidly, nodding Sebastian dragged you and Ciel to a lone corner.

Ciel gasped for breath while you fixed your dress.

"This isn't good, I didn't expect she would be here" Sebastian stated.

We walked out and music started to play.

"Damn we'll never get to him now" Ciel snarled.

"There's only one way"

Me and Ciel shot Sebastian a look.

"You and _______ will have to dance your way to the Viscount"

Ciel's jaw dropped and your eyes widened.

You stared at Ciel awkwardly, he sighed and held his hand out "May I have this dance M'Lady?" Ciel asked.

You took his hand and you danced across the ballroom right towards the Viscount.

While you danced with the Earl your heart was pounding so much more faster.

You had no idea why it just felt... Exhilarating.

We spun around matching each other's steps perfectly, it felt like this feeling could never go away.

Finally you reached your destination, you gasped for air and Ciel started to breathe a bit more heavily.

"That was..."

"Pleasurable" Ciel whispered in your ear ,making you blush.

Ciel smirked "That's payback for pecking my cheek"

You blushed "I thought you liked it"

Ciel grabbed your shoulders and whispered in your ear "I did very much" making a small moan escape your lips, you cupped your mouth with your hand embarrassed.

Ciel chuckled "Your so cute when you're flustered"


He put a finger to your lips and whispered "It's the Viscount, remember just call Sebastian's name"

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