The Young Master and Mistress

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Sebastian's POV

It was time to wake the young master and the young mistress. I admit last night was very hectic and seeing _______, jumping in and getting herself cut. Speaking of cuts I better go check up on her wounds.

I headed up and opened the door to their room. It was one of the most-in human terms- 'adorable' sights I've seen of the young master and mistress.

They were cuddled up together in the middle of the bed. _______, resting in the crook of Ciel's neck. They held on to each other as if they had known each other since forever.

I chuckled then decided,just for entertainment. I grabbed a camera and snapped two shots of them.

When the pictures were out of the liquid they turned out perfect. But what can I say? I simply am one Hell of a photographer.

Finally I started to open the curtains.

"Young master, Young mistress, it is time to wake up"

I watches in amusement as the two woke up and realized that they were holding on to each other.

I turned around and hid a chuckle as the two sprang apart trying to act as if nothing happened.

"My Lord? Mistress? You're faces are slightly flushed. Don't tell me you both caught a fever" I say innocently.

"N-no!" They both say in unison.

I chuckle "Alright, if you insist. Oh and my lord?"

Ciel sips his tea and turns around to look at me "Yes?"

I hold up the two pictures, both the two's eye's widen In shock.

"Care to explain?" I ask teasingly.

"W-Wha-" _______ started.

But Ciel was far more brash "When did you take those?!" He asks in an arrogant way with his face flushed.

"This morning, but don't worry My Lord, I won't soil the Phantomhive name" I smiled with my eyes closed. Ciel huffed.

"Better not"

_______ on the other hand was blushing madly, she shook her head and sighed.

Your POV

'He took a picture of us! Me and Ciel were cuddling and I didn't even notice!'

'Well duhr you didn't notice, you were asleep' your one side of your brain told you.

You shook your head 'That's embarrassing!'

Sebastian changed Ciel first, you slipped your corset on you felt horrible because of the wound on your shoulder and arm.

"You may come in now young mistress" Sebastian says.

Sebastian finally got the hang of saying "Young Mistress" and not My Lady, well of course he occasionally says that.

You walked in and Sebastian changed your bandages and put disinfectant on making you hiss in pain.

Then he puts the corset on.

"Don't worry Young mistress" he says.

Finally it was done, you were gasping for breath.

"That thing is a brutal murderer" you growled as Sebastian put a white dress on you with dark, indigo flowers that covered the white background. White stalkings and indigo shoes. Your (e/c) hair shined and at the ends were curled.

Sebastian chuckled "Well it's common for women at your status to wear a corset"

"Ugh, right, right, I got it" you say as you walk out.

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