Jack the Ripper

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As we set off all three of us in the damp night, I let out a breath of hot air, only to be drowned by the drizzle.

"So all we have to do is to sit about and wait for the murderer to appear right in front of our faces?" you asked.

Ciel nodded, "That pretty much sums it all up"

You shivered, you felt something press to your body.

"Are you cold?" Ciel asks.

You blushed madly but the night covered it up. "Yes"

Ciel pressed to you closer, it was an awkward position, but you felt more warmer in his embrace.

"Th-Thank you" you stuttered as you cuddled into his arms.

You stayed like that, you were on the verge of falling asleep but then...

"AAAAUGH!" A loud screech resonated thought the air, causing you and Ciel to spring apart.

"How is that possible?" you gasp.

"We were standing here the whole time!" Ciel finished, he raced to the entrance with you following.

Ciel burst opened the door, your eyes widened, it was horrific, blood, innards just everywhere.

Some blood even splashed on Ciel's face.

Sebastian grabbed you two and closed your eyes "Don't look!"

Ciel's breathing was ragged, so was yours, it was horrific, grotesque.

Sebastian started to say something, but you zoned out remembering your parents dying in the blaze.


"______! ______, darling please, run away run as fast as you can" your sickly mother rasped.

"But mother! I can't just leave you!" you cried.

"Listen to me! you have to escape now! I promise I will always watch over you! Now go!"

Tears dripped down your face, but you nodded scrambling about through the window.

"AAAAUGH!" A scream sliced through the air, so loud it was louder than the blaze itself.

You looked back and saw your mother...torn up blood everywhere and the worst part was, her face was stitched to your father's making you cry and scream in grief and horror.

That's when the men took you away.

"______! ______!" Ciel's voice woke you from your memories, he held your shoulders and was inches away from your face.

"_____, please,run away as fast as you can! I can't risk you getting hurt!'he ordered.

'No! I won't! I can't just leave you!'you protested.

"Listen to me! You have to escape now! I promise I'll come back! Now Go!"

'Those were mother's last words before she...-'

Madam Red came running after Ciel, you gasped and shoved him behind you, you got cut on the shoulder.

You faltered to the ground, hissing in pain. Ciel immediately was at your side.


"I'm okay" you gasped.

Madam Red appeared behind Ciel, your eyes widened.

"Move Ciel!" you screamed and shoved him away, you took the blade to the arm. You let out a snarl, blood was gushing out fast, you were drowning in your own blood. Your vision was hazy, it was getting dark.

'Awake me from this'

Ciel's POV

"No...______" I choked as Madam Red held my throat.

"You should have never been born!"


I stared straight at my aunt's face in horror. It all happened so fast next thing I knew I ordered Sebastian to stop.

"I can't kill him" she murmured.

"Oh come on now! You killed so many women and yet you can't kill this boy?" Grell protested.

"I can't he's my sister's-"

That's where Madam Red met her death, Grell gruesomely slashing her open.

Next, Sebastian was fighting Grell, I knelt down to Madam Red threw my coat over her so her torn up body was covered.

I brought ________, close to me and hugged her.

"Please, please be alright" I whispered.

I looked up and saw Grell falling down on top of us, only to have Sebastian kick him to the other side.

"Apologies my Lord" he says simply.

"Now, how about I kill you with your favourite toy?" Sebastian smiles and held up Grell's 'death scythe'.

"No please!"

Before the blade had hit, it was blocked by another.

I look and see a man in black with glasses on.

I zoned out on the rest, I concentrated more on _______.

'Please be alright, I'm so worried about you'

Finally we were back at the manor I sighed as I hit the bed. Sebastian changed me, and I knew he purposely left me to change ______.

I didn't take off her corset or her underwear, I just slipped and nightgown over her head.

I've always wondered why she never exposed herself, even to Mey-rin and the manor. If she was going to wear a corset, she'd out it on and all Sebastian would have to do is tie it. I bet she's just self conscious.



Ciel: -_-' Of course she's this excited.

Author-chan: I'll do my best to update some more!

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