Chapter One

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Shelbie's P.O.V.

It's been 4 months since Harry and I dated... oh wait did I tell you after the kiss he asked me out and took me on a date? Well, now you know he is so sweet and omg can't stop having these butterflies in my stomach. We're still on tour and I'm still watching baby Lux. She is too adorable, she started talking a little bit more. I can't believe Aunt Lou let me bring my two friends Kaitlin and Lauren..well Lulu for short be with me during the tour! They basically have crushes on Liam and Niall ahaha. I'm being the lovely matchmaker to help. I also hang out with Perrie and Eleanor they're awesome possums! I was on the tour bus watching some TV until someone came and sit next to me.

Harry: Hi, love*kisses her cheek*

Shelbie: Hi *bites her lips*

Harry: Watcha watching?

Shelbie: Eeeh... nothing just random channels.

Harry: Want to watch a movie?

Shelbie: Sure what movie?

Harry: Perks of being a Wallflower?

Shelbie: Oooh yay!

Lulu: Heeeeey.*walks in*

Shelbie: Hai

Harry: Hello

Lulu: What are you guys watching?

Shelbie: Perks of being a Wallflower

Kaitlin: Omg can I watch?

Shelbie: Yes

Lulu: Yay! Sorry to intrude in your lovey dovey fest.

Harry: It's ok... so Lulu heard you like the Nialler.*smirks*

Lulu: You told?!

Shelbie: What? It was either telling him or getting tickled you know how ticklish I am.

Kaitlin: ahaha loser.

Louis: Heeeyo!

Girls: Hi Louis!

Louis: Hello loves.

Zayn: Vas happening?!

Liam Hi

Niall: Hola!

Liam: So what you guys watching?

Harry: Perks of being a Wallflower.

Niall: Oooh I wanna watch!*sits next to Lulu* Hi love.

Lulu: Hi Nialler.*smiles*

Niall: Do you mind if I sit with you?*putting his arm around her*

Lulu: No not a problem.*blushes*

Niall: Did I say you look very beautiful like always today?

Lulu: A million times yes!

Niall: Well...that's how many times you should be told.*smiles*

Girls: Awww!!!

Louis: Awwww!
Lulu hides her face onto Niall's chest.

Harry: Did I tell you.

Shelbie: Tell me what?

Zayn, Liam, Louis, Niall: YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR BEAUTIFUL OH OH!*singing voice*

Kaitlin and Lulu: THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!*singing voice*

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