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The gloomy, gray weather that makes up London welcomes me to my past.

A past filled with mermaids and pirates. Where all my dreams became a living reality between awake and sleep. Memories that will forever be in my heart.

Unlocking the door with the key Mom gave me before she passed, I breathe in the same antique smell I used to wake up to every day.

The scent is welcoming and I wish that Michael and John, my brothers,were here to remember all the family moments that were shared here. What can I do? They're busy with their own lives. Michael's in high school and John's starting college this August. They're back in the states doing God knows what for the summer. Partying. Drinking. Meeting new people.

As for me.. well I came back here to get away from everything.

Let's just say having to balance class time with dance academy and personal life issues is.. quite stressful. Don't even get me started with my love life.. which now seems to be nonexistent.

I take a deep sigh as a wave of nostalgia hits me when I see an old photo of me sitting in the living room.

It reminds me of the days when I spent my time telling stories to my brothers. My favorite one being the tale of a girl against a pirate in search of a glass slipper. An extreme twist to Cinderella.

I race the stairs up that lead to the old nursery where I locked eyes with him while he was in the air. Where that little fairy of his, became jealous when I tried to give him a kiss. Where.. I last saw him.

My bed's still there along with Michael's and John's. The toys and story books are still in their place. Even the sewing kit I had spread out to sew on Peter's shadow back on, is still in the corner.

I take a deep sigh and suddenly become startled when the window opens quickly bringing in the chilly winds.

Turning towards the window, I become slightly confused.

The only person who's done that in the past is.. Peter?

A shadow escapes my eye of sight and sneaks behind the closet. I run after it with ease only to see a blonde haired boy who's as confused as I am. His face has cuts and bruises and his hair glitters with pixie dust.

He looks strangely familiar..

"Who are-"

"Who am I?" he asks a little amused.

I nod uneasily and watch the boy walk into the light.

"I'm Luke.. One of the lost boys. And I trust that you're Wendy?"

"Yes, I'm Wendy.."

"In that case.. I'm going to need you to come with me, Wendy." he smiles, putting out his hand for me to hold.

"To where?"

"Why, to Never Land of course."

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