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I freeze in place when I witness Luke shake Harry's hand with a strong grip.

"So the stories really are true." Harry smirks, noticing the fact that we're all flying above the ground.

Let's just say, Harry and I were childhood sweethearts up until high school junior year. That's when I moved to the states and well.. things were far from pretty between him and I.

Anyway, you see, when we were younger I used to tell stories about Peter Pan and the lost boys to Harry. He was fascinated, curious even. He told me that it was a dream of his to meet the boys, when we hid in his treehouse to look up at the stars. That was when I fell head over heels over him.

Last time I ever make that mistake again.

"I wasn't lying when I told you about them." I pout, causing Harry to roll his eyes.

"Well Miss Darling, you've certainly regained my trust." Harry chuckles, inching closer towards me.

Luke walks swiftly in front of me and prevents Harry from laying a finger on me. I try to walk past him, but he doesn't budge.

"I don't trust this guy." Luke mumbles in my ear.

Calum and Michael shrug their shoulders at me, while Ashton tries to make peace with Harry.

"I'm terribly sorry for Luke's behavior, mate." Ashton apologizes to Harry,"It appears that he's quite over protective over Wendy.."

Harry just smiles even wider," I can clearly see that. Seems like I got competition to win her over, huh?"

That's when I end the conversation right then and there, before Luke decides to give Harry a piece of his mind.

"Why you fucking-"

"Guys," I smile plastically," We have to get going. There's not a lot of time to be waiting around and socializing."

Ashton nods and orders the boys to do as told. While Calum and Michael agree, Luke objects. Tired of his childish behavior, I drag him along where the others have already passed. It's like seeing an irritated mother dragging her stubborn son away from a toy store. So. Embarrassing. Especially while your ex boyfriend is watching everything happen.

"Woah, hold on a second. Why the rush? C'mon, the day's still not over! Let's go around London. I hear there's a big party happening down on Whitecross." Harry races, behind us.

I groan at the mention of "Whitecross." As pleasant it may sound, Whitecross is the least welcoming place around here. I'll admit, there are a few night clubs I used to sneak into with Harry back then... but there's nothing there the boys will find pleasure in. All you see are affairs happening every second and drug dealing in dark corners. It's not a place where guys like Luke and the others should be.

"A party, you say?" Ashton squeals, turning back around towards Harry.

I face palm myself on the forehead, as the other boys crowd around Harry like he's a celebrity or something.

"Yeah, it's starting later this evening. Do you guys wanna go? It's gonna be sick." Harry emphasizes, smirking in my direction.

By this time, the four idiots have fallen for Harry's mouse trap. Even Luke has given in and now they're all begging me to go to this stupid party.

So much for finding Peter.

The four boys plus Harry, circle around me and start whining like a couple of toddlers until I agree.

"Pwease Wendy!" Ashton pleads.

"We wuv you." Michael adds, with a lip quiver.

"I wuv you most.." Luke pouts.

I glance at Hemmings and all I can see is a huge puppy face plastered across his face.

Focus Wendy focus.. This is isn't what you're here for..

I glance at Harry," Can I talk to you?... Alone?"

His bright green eyes smile at me as they approach me intimidatingly. Never in a million years did I imagine to get nervous by Harry of all people. Something's different about him now. It's like he's purposely trying to screw with my mind.

Luke raises his eyebrows at me as I drag Harry along with me so that the rest don't overhear our conversation.

"Yeah, what's up Wendy?" he asks, innocently.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I grimace, surprising Harry.

He looks at me as if I've just insulted him.

"I'm inviting you guys to a party, duh." he answers, poking my forehead as if I'm the dumb one.

"Don't you 'duh' me, I know you're only doing this to get these guys in some serious trouble. Harry, these guys have never been to a party!" I  say quietly but intensely.

"Well, there's a first time for everything," Harry answers, already heading off to where the boys are.

An unsettling feeling enters my stomach and I can't help but glare at Harry as he grins down at me while he walks backwards.

"C'mon Miss goody two shoes! The only reason I'm doing this is to get you back." He yells from afar.

I stare in shock when Luke almost throws another hit, but to distract him, I say the last thing I want to say.

"Fine," I groan,"let's go to this stupid party."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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