Thursday 13th July 1978:
Finney felt a large lump of anxiety stuck in his throat as he slowly approached the hell that was also known as the boys' changing rooms.
Finney didn't go to gym class. He normally skipped it by saying he was sick and staying in the nurses office. She has always been super nice towards the boy and understood Finney's situation. He quite liked her. He also enjoyed the cherry flavoured lollipops she gave him from time to time.
Today, he neared her office and was about to knock on the door to let himself known, like he would do any other day. But today, before his knuckles had a chance to make contact with the door, a teacher stopped him.
"She's not in kid." He told Finn. "Unless it's an emergency, you'll have to go back to lesson." Panic took over Finney's whole body, but he could hardly call, not wanting to do gym an emergency.
So here he was. He legs jittery, his heart racing and his chest heaving up and down rapidly. Changing rooms has always made him uncomfortable and anxious. Just the thought of getting changed cramped in front of other people who could judge and make fun of him whenever they want.
It was like being in a hard white spotlight that he couldn't escape.He closed his eyes and attempted to control his breathing. 'You can do it.' He thought to himself. 'It's just a stupid room.' He repeated in his head.
"Fucking move it!" A guy speaks, purposely bumping into his shoulder. That's when Finney realised that he had just been standing there, not making any advances to enter. He sighed and pushed open the swinging door.
Luckily, he saw the small corner free. He hung up his bags and began getting changed.
The gym teacher told everyone that they were doing tennis. Finney stood in the hall, watching as everyone quickly got into partners. His head head snapped left and right, trying to find someone who was also by themselves.
He feels someone lightly grab the back of his shoulder, making him turn around, his eyes connecting with the others.
"Hey." Robin smiled, the feeling of his hand tingling on Finney's shoulder, making his face heat up ever so slightly. "Wanna go up against me?" Finney stared at him, trying to tell if he was joking.
"I-uh-um. That's..." He paused, trying to find his words. "Ok." Robin chuckled softly. Finn wanted to burry himself a six feet hole in that moment. Why did he have to be so awkward with everything? Why did his mouth have to betray him, making him look like a fool in front of people?
"Ok." He repeated as he dragged Finney to go get themselves two rackets and a ball. "But be warned, you're going to lose. You're talking to a champion." Robin joked as he bent down to grab a ball out of the bucket. Finney let out a breath of air as a small laugh.
"We'll see about that." Robin looked up at him with a grin and a raised eyebrow.
"Is space boy challenging me?" He pointed to himself in fake disbelief. Finney couldn't help but smirk as he shrugged his shoulders.
"Well, game on." He said, standing up and throwing to ball to Finn.
(Time skip)
Robin began getting changed back into his normal clothes, trying to do it somewhat quickly so he could go to break early.
"Hey, Robin." His 'friend' Archie spoke from beside him. Believe it or no, Robin didn't actually have many friends. They were just people he talked to. He had his opinions on them but never spoke about it because he couldn't be asked to start useless drama. He would only class Vance and maybe Finney as he friends. "Why were you hanging around with Finney Blake?" Robin looked at Archie for a second before pulling his shirt over his head.
"Because I can." He said coldly. "What's it to you?" Robin didn't know why he was even asking. Robin could hang out with whoever he wanted.
"It's just... I heard he's gay." Archie said judgingly. Robin felt his blood boil. What did that have to do with anything? And even if that was true, it wasn't anyone's business.
"Why don't you just fuck off?" Archie's eyes grew wide with shock and he put his hands up.
"Sorry, man. I didn't mean to offend you." Robin scoffed loudly and slung his backpack over his shoulder before leaving into the busy halls.
He spots Finney walking towards his locker. Robin smiled and picked up his pace to catch up with him.
"Hey." Robin threw his arm around Finns shoulder.
"Hi Robin." Finney replied as they reached his locker. "Um, I have this for you." He pulled out the small peice of paper he had ripped out of his English book and handed it over.
"Alright. I'll try not to lose it this time." Robin laughed, slipping his arm off Finney and stuffing the paper into his pocket. "Can I hang out with you today? Vance isn't in and everyone else is super annoying."
"Uh, sure." An uncontrollable smile crept up onto his face.
A/n: ahh! I actually hate this so much but I might not post for a while as I have a whole week of tests 😔😔

Stick around (RINNEY)
Fanfiction"Life was much sweeter and easy with you in it." Finney Blake struggles to make friends. He was awkward and often bullied. One night, something that feels like fate happens, and he gains the best friend he's always asked for, but will it last? Will...